xingyizhou / CenterNet

Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
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Integrating EfficientNet with CenterNet #505

Open chwong1 opened 4 years ago

chwong1 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to integrate efficientnet from

I added in models/networks folder and added corresponding code for factory, etc.

Then, I tried to train the network using COCO data, the loss, hm_loss and wh_loss are becoming converged at around 3, 2 and 5 respectively after 140 epoch and cannot reduce anymore. It is not enough to get a good AP result. Do you have any hints to improve?

These codes are added after the last channels in efficientnet by following the code in ` last_channels = _round_filters(1280, width_mult) features += [ConvBNReLU(in_channels, last_channels, 1)]

    self.features = nn.Sequential(*features)
    # self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
    #     nn.Dropout(dropout_rate),
    #     nn.Linear(last_channels, num_classes),
    # )

    # used for deconv layers
    self.inplanes = last_channels
    self.deconv_layers = self._make_deconv_layer(
        [256, 128, 64],
        [4, 4, 4],

    for head in self.heads:
        classes = self.heads[head]
        # fc = nn.Conv2d(64, classes, 
        #     kernel_size=1, stride=1, 
        #     padding=0, bias=True)
        # fill_fc_weights(fc)
        if head_conv > 0:
            fc = nn.Sequential(
              nn.Conv2d(64, head_conv,
                kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=True),
              nn.Conv2d(head_conv, classes, 
                kernel_size=1, stride=1, 
                padding=0, bias=True))
            if 'hm' in head:
            fc = nn.Conv2d(64, classes, 
              kernel_size=1, stride=1, 
              padding=0, bias=True)
            if 'hm' in head:
        self.__setattr__(head, fc)`
abhigoku10 commented 4 years ago

@chwong1 can you please share the code base so that even i can train and test it on my end

chwong1 commented 4 years ago

@abhigoku10 You may check the code here:

Vankeee commented 4 years ago

Do you have any progress?

pierrelzw commented 4 years ago

@abhigoku10 You may check the code here:

Have you test you efficientnet backbone? How about the mAP result?

sicarioakki commented 2 years ago

@pierrelzw I tested CenterNet by integrating your into the main code base. The training results are very poor with efficientnet backbone. The AP values are all zero even after like 80 epochs, I donot seem to understand what was wrong. I think i have followed everything you told here in this thread.

I have trained with efficientnet_b1 backbone. Your inputs on this would be highly appreciated. @Vankeee @xingyizhou