xingyizhou / CenterNet2

Two-stage CenterNet
Apache License 2.0
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what is the purpose of CENTERNET.IGNORE_HIGH_FP ? #40

Open Anymake opened 3 years ago

Anymake commented 3 years ago

what is the purpose of CENTERNET.IGNORE_HIGH_FP ? In the heatmap_focal_loss code, it seems to ignore the loss of high FP ? Isn't the loss of high FP more important? if ignore_high_fp > 0: not_high_fp = (pred < ignore_high_fp).float() neg_loss = not_high_fp * neg_loss

xingyizhou commented 3 years ago

Hi, Great question! This is mostly designed for LVIS, where the objects are not fully annotated, and the high FPs are sometimes true objects. It makes an ~0.5 mAP difference in LVIS (if I remembered correctly). For COCO, removing it is totally fine.