xingyizhou / CenterTrack

Simultaneous object detection and tracking using center points.
MIT License
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Test problem with #84

Closed qingnanli closed 3 years ago

qingnanli commented 4 years ago

Hi, I appreciate your work, but got an error. I changed the batch_size to 12 since I have only one GPU (pytorch 1.2.0):

python tracking,ddd --exp_id nuScenes_3Dtracking --dataset nuscenes --pre_hm --load_model ../models/nuScenes_3Ddetection_e140.pth --shift 0.01 --scale 0.05 --lost_disturb 0.4 --fp_disturb 0.1 --hm_disturb 0.05 --batch_size 12 --gpus 0 --lr 2.5e-4 --save_point 60

tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14057/14065]|Tot: 5:58:18 |ETA: 0:00:13 |tot 23.5435 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9240 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14058/14065]|Tot: 5:58:20 |ETA: 0:00:11 |tot 23.5445 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9243 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14059/14065]|Tot: 5:58:21 |ETA: 0:00:10 |tot 23.5444 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9242 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14060/14065]|Tot: 5:58:23 |ETA: 0:00:08 |tot 23.5445 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9242 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14061/14065]|Tot: 5:58:24 |ETA: 0:00:07 |tot 23.5445 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9242 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14062/14065]|Tot: 5:58:26 |ETA: 0:00:05 |tot 23.5441 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9241 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |############################### | train: [70][14063/14065]|Tot: 5:58:27 |ETA: 0:00:04 |tot 23.5441 |hm 2.5172 |wh 5.9245 |reg 0.2477tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |################################| train: [70][14064/14065]|Tot: 5:58:29 |ETA: 0:00:02 |tot 23.5440 |hm 2.5173 |wh 5.9244 |reg 0.2477 |dep 8.6710 |dim 0.7938 |rot 2.1158 |amodel_offset 3.0259 |tracking 5.5801 |Data 0.001s(0.001s) |Net 1.529s

About 2 weeks training, I got model_last.pth (244.8 MB) and model_60.pth (244.8 MB) in dir exp/tracking.ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking, however, your provided nuScenes_3Dtracking.pth is only 81.8 MB. I use nuScenes_3Dtracking.pth and get the expected AMOTA is 6.8, but if I use my own trained model_last.pth or model_60.pth or command resume:

python tracking,ddd --exp_id nuScenes_3Dtracking --load_model ../models/model_60.pth --dataset nuscenes --track_thresh 0.1 --pre_hm


python tracking,ddd --exp_id nuScenes_3Dtracking --dataset nuscenes --pre_hm --track_thresh 0.1 --resume

I got the following errors:

--track_thresh 0.1 --resume /home/qingqing/.conda/envs/CenterTrack/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ FutureWarning: The linearassignment module is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed from 0.23. Use scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment instead. FutureWarning) Running tracking Using tracking threshold for out threshold! 0.1 Fix size testing. training chunk_sizes: [32] input h w: 448 800 heads {'hm': 10, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'tracking': 2, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 8, 'dim': 3, 'amodel_offset': 2} weights {'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'tracking': 1, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 1, 'dim': 1, 'amodel_offset': 1} head conv {'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'tracking': [256], 'dep': [256], 'rot': [256], 'dim': [256], 'amodel_offset': [256]} Namespace(K=100, add_05=False, amodel_offset_weight=1, arch='dla_34', aug_rot=0, backbone='dla34', batch_size=32, chunk_sizes=[32], custom_dataset_ann_path='', custom_dataset_img_path='', data_dir='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../data', dataset='nuscenes', dataset_version='', debug=0, debug_dir='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../exp/tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking/debug', debugger_theme='white', demo='', dense_reg=1, dep_weight=1, depth_scale=1, dim_weight=1, dla_node='dcn', down_ratio=4, efficient_level=0, eval_val=False, exp_dir='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../exp/tracking,ddd', exp_id='nuScenes_3Dtracking', fix_res=True, fix_short=-1, flip=0.5, flip_test=False, fp_disturb=0, gpus=[0], gpus_str='0', head_conv={'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'tracking': [256], 'dep': [256], 'rot': [256], 'dim': [256], 'amodel_offset': [256]}, head_kernel=3, heads={'hm': 10, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'tracking': 2, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 8, 'dim': 3, 'amodel_offset': 2}, hm_disturb=0, hm_hp_weight=1, hm_weight=1, hp_weight=1, hungarian=False, ignore_loaded_cats=[], input_h=448, input_res=800, input_w=800, keep_res=False, kitti_split='3dop', load_model='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../exp/tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking/model_last.pth', load_results='', lost_disturb=0, lr=0.000125, lr_step=[60], ltrb=False, ltrb_amodal=False, ltrb_amodal_weight=0.1, ltrb_weight=0.1, map_argoverse_id=False, master_batch_size=32, max_age=-1, max_frame_dist=3, model_output_list=False, msra_outchannel=256, neck='dlaup', new_thresh=0.3, nms=False, no_color_aug=False, no_pause=False, no_pre_img=False, non_block_test=False, not_cuda_benchmark=False, not_idaup=False, not_max_crop=False, not_prefetch_test=False, not_rand_crop=False, not_set_cuda_env=False, not_show_bbox=False, not_show_number=False, num_classes=10, num_epochs=70, num_head_conv=1, num_iters=-1, num_layers=101, num_stacks=1, num_workers=4, nuscenes_att=False, nuscenes_att_weight=1, off_weight=1, optim='adam', out_thresh=0.1, output_h=112, output_res=200, output_w=200, pad=31, pre_hm=True, pre_img=True, pre_thresh=0.1, print_iter=0, prior_bias=-4.6, public_det=False, qualitative=False, reg_loss='l1', reset_hm=False, resize_video=False, resume=True, reuse_hm=False, root_dir='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../..', rot_weight=1, rotate=0, same_aug_pre=False, save_all=False, save_dir='/home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../exp/tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking', save_framerate=30, save_img_suffix='', save_imgs=[], save_point=[90], save_results=False, save_video=False, scale=0, seed=317, shift=0, show_track_color=True, skip_first=-1, tango_color=False, task='tracking,ddd', test=False, test_dataset='nuscenes', test_focal_length=-1, test_scales=[1.0], track_thresh=0.1, tracking=True, tracking_weight=1, trainval=False, transpose_video=False, use_kpt_center=False, use_loaded_results=False, val_intervals=10000, velocity=False, velocity_weight=1, video_h=512, video_w=512, vis_gt_bev='', vis_thresh=0.3, weights={'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'tracking': 1, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 1, 'dim': 1, 'amodel_offset': 1}, wh_weight=0.1, zero_pre_hm=False, zero_tracking=False) Dataset version ==> initializing val data from /home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../data/nuscenes/annotations/val.json, images from /home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval ... loading annotations into memory... Done (t=4.80s) creating index... index created! Creating video index! Loaded val 36114 samples Creating model... Using node type: (<class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>, <class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>) Warning: No ImageNet pretrain!! loaded /home/qingqing/Downloads/qingqing_disk/p4600_disk/CenterTrack/src/lib/../../exp/tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking/model_last.pth, epoch 70 nuScenes_3Dtracking No pre_dets for 1 . Use empty initialization. Start tracking video 1 Initialize tracking!




85%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 86%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 88%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 89%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 91%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 96%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 99%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6019/6019 [00:09<00:00, 639.51it/s] Loaded ground truth annotations for 6019 samples. Filtering tracks Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk-alpha02/nuscenes/eval/tracking/", line 271, in render_classes=renderclasses) File "tools/nuscenes-devkit/python-sdk-alpha02/nuscenes/eval/tracking/", line 97, in init pred_boxes = filter_eval_boxes(nusc, pred_boxes, self.cfg.class_range, verbose=verbose) File "/home/qingqing/.conda/envs/CenterTrack/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nuscenes/eval/common/", line 220, in filter_eval_boxes box = eval_boxes.boxes[first_key][0] IndexError: list index out of range

Can anyone help?

xingyizhou commented 4 years ago

Thanks for training our model for such a long time. The reason behind the size difference is my provided model does not include the optimization state duct (which is not used in testing), and the trained model contains it for continuing training.

There might be a few concerns about training nuScenes with a single 12GB GPU. First, when bachsize is changed, the learning rate needs to be changed as well according to the linear learning rate rule. Also, using a small batchsize makes the batchnorm layer less effective or sometimes harmful. I would say it will be very hard to reproduce our results with one single 12GB GPU.

qingnanli commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. I changed the bacth_size to 8, and the training tot errors have decreased to 15.33 using learning rate 2.5e-4 (in 2 epochs):

tracking,ddd/nuScenes_3Dtracking |################### | train: [2][12997/21097]|Tot: 3:40:54 |ETA: 2:18:32 |tot 15.3406 |hm 1.3857 |wh 2.2614 |reg 0.2271 |dep 2.9511 |dim 0.3252 |rot 1.7450 |amodel_offset 1.5674 |tracking 6.9130 |Data 0.001s(0.001s) |Net 1.020s

In your paper, the learning rate is 1.25e-4 if bacth_size = 32, while in this repo the learning rate is 2.5e-4 with batch_size = 64. Shoud I use 3.125e-5 or 6.25e-5 if batch_size = 8?

I try to make final attemps because the gpus are expensive...

qingnanli commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this excellent work! I made some modifications on CenterTrack and got competitive performance (AMOTA improved from 0.068 to 0.110 ) on nuScenes validation dataset on my TITAN Xp GPU using batch_size 10. Good man & Good life :) @xingyizhou Close the issue now.

yustaub commented 3 years ago

hi, sir. what is your training command, I also only have a titan xp gpu. Very appreciate for your reply! @qingnanli