xingyizhou / ExtremeNet

Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How to use the pretrained model to train my own data, when the class number is not 80(coco)? #37

Open DataXujing opened 4 years ago

DataXujing commented 4 years ago

How can I use pretraied model to train my own own data, my class number is not 80 like coco, but my own data only have 3 classess.

When I change the config file, "categories": 80, it has an error!!!

cbiras commented 4 years ago

Hi @DataXujing ! Did you find a way to solve this problem? I want to use this network only for human detection, so I'm having the same problem as you do

sanderisbestok commented 3 years ago

@cbiras or @DataXujing did you guys manage to fix this?