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oh-my-zsh: git Plugin #12

Open xinjiguaike opened 5 years ago

xinjiguaike commented 5 years ago

The git Plugin The git plugin provides many aliases and a few useful functions. Enable it by adding git to the plugins array before sourcing OMZ (see [[Plugins]]). Aliases Alias Command g git ga git add gaa git add –all gapa git add –patch gau git add –update gb git branch gba git branch -a gbda git branch –merged | command grep -vE “^(*|\smaster\s$)” | command xargs -n 1 git branch -d gbl git blame -b -w gbnm git branch –no-merged gbr git branch –remote gbs git bisect gbsb git bisect bad gbsg git bisect good gbsr git bisect reset gbss git bisect start gc git commit -v gc!

xinjiguaike commented 5 years ago

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