xinliangSun / AdaDR

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Results of 10 times 10-fold cross-validation #1

Open thatsShirleyLee opened 3 months ago

thatsShirleyLee commented 3 months ago

在阅读论文的过程中,我注意到其中提到了“to relieve the potential data bias of cross-validation, we repeat 10 times 10-fold cross-validation for AdaDR and other models and calculate the average value and standard deviation of the results.”,关于这句话中提到的10次10折交叉验证的平均值的计算策略,我有一些疑问。具体而言,这个平均值是如何计算的?是通过计算10次10折交叉验证产生的100个折上的100个最优值的平均值,还是记录单次实验中10折上的最优结果,重复10次计算10个最优值的平均值呢? 希望能够获得您的解答,谢谢您的时间!

xinliangSun commented 3 months ago
