xinntao / EDVR

Winning Solution in NTIRE19 Challenges on Video Restoration and Enhancement (CVPR19 Workshops) - Video Restoration with Enhanced Deformable Convolutional Networks. EDVR has been merged into BasicSR and this repo is a mirror of BasicSR.
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IndexError: list index out of range #56

Closed satsukiyatoshi closed 5 years ago

satsukiyatoshi commented 5 years ago

Hello I'm trying to use the script with a foder containing 98 png files (named from 00000001.png to 00000099.png). The png resolution is 320*240.

when i use the script i got this error:

  File "", line 276, in <module>
  File "", line 217, in main
    GT = np.copy(img_GT_l[img_idx])
IndexError: list index out of range

And when i look at result i can see it have processed the first png file but not the others

Thanks for helping ^^

siyuhsu commented 5 years ago

You can print the "img_idx" which can't be processed, and make sure if the image exists.

satsukiyatoshi commented 5 years ago

Thanks, i get it works by setting up the folders in a static way in the script