xinntao / facexlib

FaceXlib aims at providing ready-to-use face-related functions based on current STOA open-source methods.
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face_template values #14

Closed glennois closed 2 years ago

glennois commented 2 years ago

How do I calculate these numbers?

class FaceRestoreHelper(object): ...
            self.face_template = np.array([[192.98138, 239.94708], [318.90277, 240.1936], [256.63416, 314.01935],
                                           [201.26117, 371.41043], [313.08905, 371.15118]])

I want to calculate them for LFW and other datasets. I'm very new so I would appreciate if you can show how to calculate. 🍵

Thank you so much for your amazing library!

woctezuma commented 2 years ago

These look like coordinates of five points.

See the comment above the line which you quoted:

standard 5 landmarks for FFHQ faces with 512 x 512

See the 5 colored dots on this image:


glennois commented 2 years ago

Thanks Woctezuma! I see it says it's for FFHQ, can I use these with LFW?

I'm still learning... thank you.

glennois commented 2 years ago

That comment got me worried 🤣

woctezuma commented 2 years ago

For FFHQ, the dlib library is used, so that face alignment is based on 68 landmarks. See:

This example program shows how to find frontal human faces in an image and estimate their pose. The pose takes the form of 68 landmarks. These are points on the face such as the corners of the mouth, along the eyebrows, on the eyes, and so forth.

The face detector we use is made using the classic Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature combined with a linear classifier, an image pyramid, and sliding window detection scheme. The pose estimator was created by using dlib's implementation of the paper: One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees by Vahid Kazemi and Josephine Sullivan, CVPR 2014 and was trained on the iBUG 300-W face landmark dataset (see
C. Sagonas, E. Antonakos, G, Tzimiropoulos, S. Zafeiriou, M. Pantic. 300 faces In-the-wild challenge: Database and results. Image and Vision Computing (IMAVIS), Special Issue on Facial Landmark Localisation "In-The-Wild". 2016. You can get the trained model file from:

So the use of 5 landmarks is not specific to FFHQ at all. I think I saw it first in RetinaFace:

glennois commented 2 years ago

Perfect! Thank you so much for answering all my questions!