xinshuoweng / AB3DMOT

(IROS 2020, ECCVW 2020) Official Python Implementation for "3D Multi-Object Tracking: A Baseline and New Evaluation Metrics"
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Converting nuScenes detections to KITTI format missing correspondence files #108

Closed georghess closed 1 year ago

georghess commented 2 years ago


I am trying to convert nuScenes detection to the required KITTI format following the guide. However, nuscenes_obj_result2kitti tries to load some correspondence files as per here. I could not find any information on what these are or how to generate them. Could you maybe clarify the process?

ZJLi2013 commented 1 year ago

has it solved ?

there are correspondence_files from nuscenes_gt2kitti_trk, while structured by scene

tanushreebanerjee commented 10 months ago

still have this issue - correspondence files are structured as follows: val dir - sceneid.txt test dir - sceneid.txt

But code expects one single val.txt and text.txt file How do we get these single txt files?

SharangKaul123 commented 4 months ago

@tanushreebanerjee Hi! Has this issue been resolved with generation of single val.txt and text.txt files?