xiongzhu666 / Sky-Segmentation-and-Post-processing

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Python version guided filter\mask refine comparison #4

Closed Vozf closed 2 years ago

Vozf commented 2 years ago

There is a python implementation which generates noticably different results(noticeable on the border, python version preserves more, while this repo version "damages" the original correct border) https://github.com/google/sky-optimization/pull/14/files Are there any major differences between your implementation and the python version and if so how could they be changed?

Vozf commented 2 years ago

That notable difference was because of before postprocessing my code resizing differences. Resizing image from 1196x1080 to 1024x1024 gave notable quality degradation.

DanielZanchi commented 1 year ago

Did anyone try out the python code provided? It gives different results from the ones in the c++ code we see in the examples: input mask output

DanielZanchi commented 1 year ago

i solved this issue by removing the rotation at the beginning.