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Unable to deploy analyzer #289

Open vibhoothi opened 3 years ago

vibhoothi commented 3 years ago

With current AWCY code, when i tried to deloy locally, we are not able to make the analyzer work, we are getting error The error is Cannot GET /analyzer

On further debugging, the runs are not having IVF files, on the runs, also it is failing to copy back from slots folder to runs folder.

Secondly, when we force-stop a run, there exists the ivf and y4m file and gets deleted later, not entirely sure why this is happening,

This might be caused due to #192

vibhoothi commented 3 years ago

Some steps to make it move forward, solve some of the issues.

  1. If you are trying to deploy the AWCY and the copying back of IVF files is not happening, then you might require to have -T in get_file in rd_tool https://github.com/xiph/rd_tool/blob/6f0ceed260f10954d479931ba285da2d0c6bf907/sshslot.py#L157 [This is subjective based on your SSH/OpenSSL version it may/may not happen]
  2. The analyzer does not build as such, https://github.com/xiph/awcy/blob/master/build_av1_analyzer.sh#L32 needs to specify -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 2.1 If you have latest upstream of emscripten, it will not build, you would require to have emscripten pre 1.38.41 version to have it build since EM_ASM in inspect.c of analyzer is decprecated. Upstream tracking issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/aomedia/issues/detail?id=3034

Once I figure proper way to deploy analyzer, would bake a patch addressing most of the issues.

vibhoothi commented 3 years ago

Okay, some good news, Managed to deploy the analyzer finally,

So I had some did some hacks and changes to make it work

  1. Updated typescript to 3.2.2 from 2.2.2
  2. Remove marking mozImageSmoothingEnabled as false as it is having some issue in latest versions for some reason
  3. Introduced "typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types"], to tsconfig.json as the node_modules of parent folder[awcy] was in conflict with analyzer
  4. Added analyzer to nginx config

    location ~* /analyzer {
    alias /home/mindfreeze/awcy/aomanalyzer;
    try_files $uri $uri/ $uri? index.html;