xirsoi / ancientreligions

Ancient Religions mod for CK2
15 stars 12 forks source link

Egyptian Slaving #112

Open xirsoi opened 8 years ago

xirsoi commented 8 years ago

Perhaps allow rulers with Kemetic religion and/or Coptic culture to take slaves after a siege.

Apply a modifier of some kind. Should definitely effect the opinions of other characters. Perhaps those at war with a slaver could have the opportunity to free the slaves. Get small stack of light infantry? Some kind of income boost (but disease resistance malus?) for the capitol? Lots of options.

secretfire42 commented 7 years ago

My only problem with this (and I know this is a stupid comment) - but AFAIK the egyptians actually paid their slaves pretty well, and a lot of the current ideas in that sort are misunderstandings. I mean, this isn't a historical mod, and its a great idea for flavor (as someone in the 9th century wouldn't know that) - but in actuality, it worked more like a draft.

They had three types of slaves:

  1. Slaves taken in war (this would be a kinda neat event after a battle or a seige, I guess?)
  2. Bonded laborers - debt slavery
  3. Drafted laborers (paid really well, it was supposedly a huge thing to be selected).


Again, its entirely safe to ignore this, this is basically a fantasy mod, but I thought I'd note it anyways in case it gave you ideas. Kemetic slavery was VERY different from greco-roman slavery.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

The idea here would be the Chattel slaves, captured in battle, which apparently had pretty sucky lives.