xirsoi / ancientreligions

Ancient Religions mod for CK2
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Roman Religion #116

Open xirsoi opened 8 years ago

xirsoi commented 8 years ago

Split Hellenism and Roman religion. Must be done after enough features have been implemented that the two can stand on their own.

Roman will need a heresy.

xirsoi commented 8 years ago

Investigate Julian the Apostate's reforms.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Perhaps include mechanics similar to what Fetishists got in EUIV: Rights of Man. Bordering provinces of another religion allows you to adopt aspects of that religion. Add patron gods, optional modifiers, celebrations, etc. All Romanized, of course. Should probably cost piety, or something. Maybe a small, temporary hit to moral authority? 1% for 10 years?

Should also give increased conversion chance for syncretized religions

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Default cults available could be Augustine, Sol Invictus, and Mithra.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Roman religion would be rife with cults and societies, secret or otherwise.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Roman should need to go through a reformation to be fully restored.

Lietuvis commented 7 years ago

The secret roman society true hellenes type society could be named cultus deorum(cultus deorum means care of the gods,many roman pagans called their religion cultus deorum)

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Obviously Vestal mechanics would move to Roman religion, as would pretty much everything to do with Rome, like the Flamines.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Hellenic should probably get a pentarchy and a religious head title, but not autocephaly. Cults (societies) for the major gods (mostly cookie cutter, each being nearly identical to every other, with maybe the exception of Zeus).

The head of religion should always be the same as the Grandmaster of the Cult of Zeus.