xirsoi / ancientreligions

Ancient Religions mod for CK2
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Britannic #118

Open xirsoi opened 8 years ago

xirsoi commented 8 years ago

Female-centric heresy of Druidism. Succession Laws that disfavor women are not allowed. Locked from having anything other than the highest Status of Women law. Has Enatic -> Absolute Cognatic available. Most realms would start with EC.

Priests can only be women (if that's possible). They are led by an Arch Dryad, which uses the Circle of Druids if available.

Crusades, Anti-Dryads, and Excommunication are all available. All holy sites are in Britannia.

Other mechanics will be required, including celebrations, to make it distinct and interesting.

xirsoi commented 8 years ago

Holy Sites: Middlesex, Dublin, Gowrie, Wiltshire (Stonehenge), and Mortain.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

They worship the personification of Britannia as a mother goddess of the same name. The more traditional gods of Celtic religion are seen as the equivalent of arch-angels, powerful servants of mother Britannia. Dan(nu) is completely subverted by Britannia.

The faith is more centralized and more important to society. Here, the equivalent of an "Investiture Controversy" is a foregone conclusion; the Arch Dryad leads all Britons in matters of faith, secular rulers have no sway over souls or priests.

How can this be represented in game mechanics?

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Dryads should be allowed to marry, because having children is emulating the mother goddess, and thus a sacred act.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Create a Dryad trait that gives a slight fertility bonus.

Arch-Dryad should be Kingdom tier, to represent the difficulty in vassalizing her. A vassalized Arch-Dryad should chafe under secular rule, threatening excommunication if she isn't freed.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Dryad's should get piety when they give birth.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Arch-Dryad may request you change laws regarding temple vassals. She may demand you put a person on your council, such as a Dryad. Would probably be more likely if you didn't have any Dryad's on your council.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Fertility festival and funny/sexy events. Pay piety/gold to keep the Arch Dryad out of your affairs for a time. What happens if you are married to the Arch Dryad?

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

Arch-Dryad wifu should give you preferential treatment, if her personality (traits) are right. (e.g. a Just Arch-Dryad is very unlikely to treat you differently because you are married. An Arbitrary one is. One who is in love with you is more likely, etc.)

Britannic rulers should have a special variant holy-subjugation-war against infidel's who rule in Britain. It can only target lands within Britannia, even if owned territory outside of it is occupied by the attacker, only British territory is seized in a peace.

secretfire42 commented 7 years ago

This is a pretty awesome idea. If you want to get really nutty, you can probably borrow from the (now defunct, AFAIK the author doesn't plan to update it again) Better Gender Laws mod - they had some (similar, but not the same) feminist religions, and sometimes gave adventurers of those religions a CB to force EC on other realms. Or not! Cool either way. But there's potentially a LOT of low hanging fruit already done there, that the author (might) be ok with you grabbing - less work for you. I think he even had an entire folder of events reversing the discrimination events (onto men) for Enatic realms, which again, would be low hanging fruit for this heresy.

xirsoi commented 7 years ago

I'll look into that, I'm into getting the same thing for less work

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

"Christening" event for childbirth?

Britannia was considered a sea goddess (trident), so maybe fishing is a big deal. Go on a fishing trip?

Someone wants to rub the baby bump. Are you weirded out? Do you let them do it? Does it get weird anyway? Who knows!

secretfire42 commented 6 years ago

Any chance this might happen? Have to admit, just as with most of the ideas you've posted....sounds AWESOME. I mean, every idea you post is awesome - I have no idea why Paradox doesn't just hire you on and do a late antiquity game, it would be awesome. Or even a fantasy game.

Anyways, more on-topic. The baby bump event sounds great, very different from stuff we've seen before, too.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Thanks! The fictional heresies are my favorite ideas so far and I will implement them even if it's the last thing I do with the mod.

I just feel that the existing religions deserve to be filled out and polished more before I indulge in building Brittanic and Lugovism.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Brittanic absolutely should get the new style Catholic Crusades shown in today's dev diary.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

The christening/baptism event will symbolize Britannia embracing the infant. The ideal circumstances would be full immersion in sea/ocean water, as that is the domain of Britannia.

The Irish word "tumtha" means 'to immerse', and will be used in place of "baptize" which is Greek for the same.

lá tumoideachais = immersion day

Access to the sea (from your demesne) makes a baptism fairly trivial. Without it you must either procure real sea water (can be expensive if you want more than a bottle to sprinkle on the child's head) or do it in fresh water. These are less prestigious for the child.

Could maybe do a thing where bad weather on their lá tumoideachais seen as Britannia rejecting the child, or Unseelie forces are influencing the child. Oh! Changeling child's tumoideachais could be ruined by bad weather! Bad omen!

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Would be neat to figure out a way for a ruler to convince the Arch-Dryad to perform the tumoideachais herself, which would be a big deal for the ruler and the child.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Event to deal with someone selling counterfeit sea water to bourgeois and low nobility (villagers can't even afford that, they have to use rivers or lakes).

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Britannic's would consider the Unseelie to be Her Wayward Children. Lesser divinities that have strayed from the righteous path; essentially fallen angels.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Fertility festival is Imbolg.

Dick cakes(Sao Goncalo Pastries)

Incorporate Sunwise circling

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Fishing trip is a pilgrimage.

Must circumnavigate the Isles. Events for catching fish and seeing strange things. Fishing villages, major towns, etc.

Should probably stop at the various holy sites, since all but Wiltshire are coastal.

secretfire42 commented 6 years ago

Super exciting to see progress on this!

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Create alternate Hunts for Britannic that are actually fishing trips. Lions, Tigers, and Bears become sharks. Stags are Marlons, etc. Not the White Stag, but a White Whale?

secretfire42 commented 5 years ago

I don't know if this is an /issue/ par se, but I've done three celtic runs (all fairly quick ones, tbh) - since Britannic was put in and HF came out, and I have not actually converted to it in any of them. Not because of a bug; but because its so much work by the time I reform, and am temporal head of reformed Druidism, that it feels like I'd be betraying the religion. I don't know if there's a solution for this.

Looking over it, it seems mechanically very beneficial; you'd gain the regular holy orders, convert, then when it stops being a heresy the old holy orders join it, too. But Holy Fury requires you to invest so much personal effort into making/shaping a religion that there's a lot of investment there. Combine that with it being fairly easy to just take 'enatic clans', and there's not much inventive to go theology focus and develop the heresy.

I have no idea what you could do about this.

The only thing I could think of, even in theory, seems like a lot of work: Make a unique doctrine for reformed Celtic, and then another unique Doctrine for Britannic which is pre-applied. ('m not sure how that works; but presumably, since Britannic is a pre-reformed heresy, you'd just add a few religion = britannic lines or whatever).

It seems silly, I know.