xirsoi / ancientreligions

Ancient Religions mod for CK2
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Crown Jewels #165

Open xirsoi opened 6 years ago

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Add special results for smithing items for the Ancient Religions.

secretfire42 commented 6 years ago

The Hellenic, I don't think would have/need/want crown jewels, as you note. They shouldn't need them. "A crown for the barbarian kings, a bare head for Rome" - wasn't that how the saying went, clear through to Byzantium? Something like that?

How about instead the Hellenic can make and GIVE AWAY crown jewels in exchange for a nation becoming a tributary (the kind that only lasts a single lifetime)?

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

The Byzantines did use crowns from before game start; but it's true that Romans didn't have a tradition of crown jewels in any way. The ancient Hellenes kinda sorta did, but they were more like ceremonial armor and weapons. Like a breastplate, shield, and some weapon like a spear or sword.

One thing to consider is that these wouldn't be "regular" Hellenes or Romans, but a revivalist adaptation of Roman religion and/or culture. They'd still be influenced by what had come to pass since the fall of Rome and is still going on around them, so it's not too strange they'd use crown jewels as we understand them. They would certainly have unique designs to those jewels, influenced by Roman/Hellenic religion and culture, but I think they would definitely have them.

I also really like your idea though! I'd love to implement something like that!

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Romans should get things like Laurels, no matter their religion. Sunburst crowns would be cool for an eventual Sol Invictus heresy.

xirsoi commented 6 years ago

Titan rulers could have a thing where they have to "earn" their crown, like in a WtWSMS AAR about a Galatian Dux in the ERE. Each ruler would forge a new crown related to a won war.

So, any Titan who wins a war could get some kind of events about making a new crown. Beat the swords of your enemies into a really Metal™ crown, or something.