xiuqhou / Relation-DETR

[ECCV2024 Oral] Official implementation of the paper "Relation DETR: Exploring Explicit Position Relation Prior for Object Detection"
Apache License 2.0
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position relation encoders块 #12

Open mitu752 opened 3 weeks ago

mitu752 commented 3 weeks ago


请问下论文提到的的移植性position relation encoders块是代码的哪个部分


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xiuqhou commented 3 weeks ago

论文中的position relation encoder具体实现在relation_transformer.py第491-530行。

近期我会发布集成position relation encoder的增强版DINO、DN-Deformable-DETR、Dab-Deformable-DETR等模型,方便其他研究者参考。

mitu752 commented 3 weeks ago

感谢 期待集成position relation encoder模型的发布

xiuqhou commented 3 weeks ago

感谢关注哈,我先更新了集成position relation的增强版DINO,配置文件为 configs/dino++/dino++_resnet50_800_1333.py,模型文件在 models/detectors/dino.pymodels/bricks/dino_transformer.py,权重也上传了🤗可以先看看哦,其他模型还在整理中...