xiuyuanzhang / MACS30200proj

Computational Research Course at University of Chicago Computational Social Science Program
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Poster Feedback #3

Open jgdenby opened 6 years ago

jgdenby commented 6 years ago

Great work! I think you present your topic (which can at first be a bit tough to grasp) clearly and effectively; your poster provides a really useful visual aid for your ideas as well. The example portion of your poster is definitely appreciated – it concretizes your theoretical framework and makes your results much more memorable. Your plot presents your results clearly and directly; I'm excited to see what you find in future research! As for suggestions, it could be useful to clean up / clarify the theoretical (formal) portion of the argument. I think including formal components (especially with a poster) is a balancing act: you want to include enough to make your argument rigorous, but not too much that it overwhelms/confuses the audience and distracts from the rest of your work. Matching the formal set-up with a more informal intuition pump is a great way of giving people the gist without seeming like you're covering something up! Finally, I think your use of text (or lack thereof) is really great – it makes your poster (and argument) quick to work through without getting bogged down in unnecessary minutiae. Really cool stuff – thanks for presenting!