xivdev / Penumbra

FINAL FANTASY XIV modding, but actually good this time
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[Feature Request] Editing colorset files and importing/exporting files(DDS+fbx) #139

Open RishaMao opened 2 years ago

RishaMao commented 2 years ago

All there is to it, I'm not sure if its possible at all but these are the only reasons I have to bother with closing the game and messing with Textools anymore. As for the importing/exporting files, I mean the raw files like .obj , .db, and .fbx, .dds, etc.

slotthhy commented 2 years ago

Penumbra is a mod loader, not a mod creation tool. I would bet that all Penumbra contributors would agree with me if I said importing non-XIV filetypes was out of the scope of Penumbra. A companion mod creation tool has been talked about for some time, but no development has taken place.

In the mean time, you can do the double XIV method:

Or, you can use the "Lumina Integration" in TexTools by specifying your Penumbra mod directory under the Lumina Integration settings in TexTools. This will redirect all imports in TexTools to a mod folder in Penumbra.