xivdev / Penumbra

FINAL FANTASY XIV modding, but actually good this time
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[Feature Request] Prefixed mod names with their priority #320

Open midona-rhel opened 11 months ago

midona-rhel commented 11 months ago


May I suggest a feature that prefixes the names of mods in the listview under the mods tabs to show the current priority of said mod. For example changing the display of "mod A" to "[01] - mod A" so as to clearly identify obvious reliance on a on resources and would with lexicographical sorting automatically show the mods listed by priority in a folder or in the root. This should probably be implemented as an optional feature and of course not change the actual names of the mods. I would be willing to look at it myself if this is something you believe should be part of the project and with a bit of time familiarising with the source I should be able to open a PR about it.