xivdev / Penumbra

FINAL FANTASY XIV modding, but actually good this time
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Penumbra broke all my custom models that have 2 materials shared between varientswhen they were in textools #358

Open Anya-Thoughtmane opened 8 months ago

Anya-Thoughtmane commented 8 months ago

as the title says when i pulled my mods from textools to penumbra, anything that had a second material and a shared varient has broken and the 2nd material on all of them doesn't show correctly with various errors. image image

Theo-Asterio commented 8 months ago

These pictures don't tell us anything. Showing pictures without information on mod construction, variant edits, any file paths doesn't mean much. This just looks like you packed your files wrong, and didn't repair at all with xivlauncher after you used Textools.

Feel free to provide the mods or join the discord to help supply more info such as file paths and evidence that this isn't a packing issue with regards to your variant selection. Repair your game with xivlauncher first.

In fact, based on your previous github entry, you may have installed a mangled backup which is not at all supported in Penumbra. Please untangle your shit.

Anya-Thoughtmane commented 8 months ago

Your reply shows me you haven't looked at this with any consideration. In both images i marked the seperate materials and in both images something is wrong with either the primary or secondary material.

The first has assumedly broken emissives (as that's all it's comprised of) the second is outright textureless with no emissives either.

In textools this was as a simple as the modded item inhereiting the base game's 1st material, with a supplemental material added for compatibility.

What's happened here is Penumbra's probably just zero-summed the 1st or 2nd material when it imported the files. Any other model which i can assure is the same fbx that didn't have a shared item varient (i.e. the Ronkan helm of ending/maiming) looks fine.

Ottermandias commented 8 months ago

Penumbra does not touch any files it extracts whatsoever except for fixing a LOD bug in .mdl files that TexTools introduces. Anything else is extracted as-is. I don't even know what you want to say with zero-summing anything. Deduplication only happens for identical files, and does not change anything either.

Your reply shows me you haven't looked at this with any consideration.

Or maybe that your "marking" is not actually telling us what is wrong, how it is wrong or whether this is caused by an issue in Penumbra (unlikely), an issue with Penumbras file treatment (highly unlikely) or your mod packaging or metadata changes.

Anya-Thoughtmane commented 8 months ago

Looking into advanced editing i've found my suspicions correct (based on previous textools errors in beta-testing my model as i made it)). Penumbra has installed both materials but is not using them both. it's only using the main one. in other words it has indeed broken upon varients, as the varient here for that keyblade weapon is here but wrongly unused. image

Ottermandias commented 8 months ago

This is a screenshot of the color table of a single material. This does not tell us anything either. You should probably just show the mod.

Anya-Thoughtmane commented 8 months ago

image here we go, here's the error, the gamepath's broken on import. this is where it used to refer to the material in textools. evidenced by equipment 607 the ronkan helm of fending. just went to file redirections to see if i could patch this and it won't let me. I'm guessing penumbra was built in a way that prevents such cross referencing, that'sd be why it's not even loading.

Anya-Thoughtmane commented 8 months ago

So, i have resolved this now:

Ottermandias commented 8 months ago


Exter-N commented 8 months ago

Garbage in the "Game Path" column just means the data shown there is stale and must be refreshed.