xively / mosquitto

Ruby binding against libmosquitto (http://mosquitto.org/) - a high performance MQTT protocol (http://mqtt.org) client
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Support TLS #2

Closed methodmissing closed 10 years ago

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

Wrap the following API functions :

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

It's possible to support OpenSSL::* objects for the API, but makes sense to just prefer the current libmosquitto mapping to not open another can of worms

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

Also check for OpenSSL headers on gem install

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

All implemented, but looking into an SSL context creation failure issue still, most likely specific to some OpenSSL versions, but gnarly to debug as libmosquitto resets the OpenSSL error stack, so ERR_print_info(fp) is useless ...

methodmissing commented 10 years ago
