xively / mosquitto

Ruby binding against libmosquitto (http://mosquitto.org/) - a high performance MQTT protocol (http://mqtt.org) client
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Integration tests - high level, runnable via Travis against a public test endpoint #5

Closed methodmissing closed 10 years ago

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

Higher level integration tests for the following, against endpoints at http://test.mosquitto.org/

libmosquitto already ships with an extensive integration test suite @ https://bitbucket.org/oojah/mosquitto/src/002887e6c4f17fa5d018c9a6fd4d6e17ff88a04f/test/lib/c/?at=default , however the Paho interop suite has useful context for driving an integration test via Travis as well : http://wiki.eclipse.org/Paho/MQTT_Interop_Testing_Day#Test_Code_Collection

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

High level integration test pushed up, running against test.mosquitto.org ( no TLS yet ), next step is adding the MQTT interop tests from Paho ....

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

And also to run the test suite against the Xively specific MQTT endpoint

methodmissing commented 10 years ago

So actually the endpoints at test.mosquitto.org is powered by Xively already ...