[x] In uwg, does bld and zone determine the surrounding building type? If not, which variables should be defined to determine the surrounding buildings type?
[x] In uwg, how does the albedo_w impact the urban climate?
[x] For Vancouver EPW, is there anything changed or improved? diff and plot.
[x] Update the missingrepeated timestamp for postprocessing
[x] Can you get CAPITOUL has 10% CVRMSE performance? (UWG and IDF refinement)
[x] Do capitoul performance comparision for June and whole year.
[ ] Reorganize the sensitivities analysis. (combine canyon dimensions (width and height ration, send the paper), no domain height, no trees, combine the albedo and emissivities into one, theta of canyon and width of roof
, doesbld
determine the surrounding building type? If not, which variables should be defined to determine the surrounding buildings type?uwg
, how does thealbedo_w
impact the urban climate?diff
timestamp for postprocessingUWG
andwhole year
dimensions (width and height ration, send the paper), no domain height, no trees, combine the albedo and emissivities into one,theta of canyon
andwidth of roof
might only be used here: https://github.com/xixihaha1995/urban_climate_and_who/blob/88f5adc894e5b06c5c6bf57ed47b265eabfd6d79/_1_ep_vcwg/EB_Rural.py#L289