xiyaowong / transparent.nvim

Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent
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no change on command TransparentDisable and TransparentToggle #6

Closed Allaman closed 2 years ago

Allaman commented 2 years ago


when starting neovim with transparent enabled = false and then trigger :TransparentEnable it works as expected - Neovim gets transparent. When calling :TransparentDisable or :TransparentToggle the transparency does not change back to opaque. No messages or errors. I am running Alacritty as terminal emulator with background_opacity: 0.7

xiyaowong commented 2 years ago

What theme are you using?

UniqueDing commented 2 years ago

so I am, and my colorscheme is zephyr, thanks

xiyaowong commented 2 years ago

try to add this line image @Allaman @UniqueDing

UniqueDing commented 2 years ago

I try, it not run this print

xiyaowong commented 2 years ago

@UniqueDing require only run one time https://github.com/glepnir/zephyr-nvim/blob/32c4ea97cc1cd3db1abebd46aff2ee18d66d8d59/colors/zephyr.vim#L6