xjasonlyu / tun2socks

tun2socks - powered by gVisor TCP/IP stack
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.84k stars 403 forks source link

What is this number? #366

Open cr4zyfish opened 1 month ago

cr4zyfish commented 1 month ago


tun2socks-2.5.2 windows/amd64, go1.20.11, 2b494a7

What OS are you seeing the problem on?



What is this number that increase each time I run tun2socks? am I doing something wrong? wintun 113 wintun 114 ...


xjasonlyu commented 1 month ago

Hi, wintun will automatically set its adapter id if you didn't specify one, but it's fine. If you want to persist the number, you can use args like tun://wintun?guid={7FE5A4A1-1326-40E2-974C-EF617156ACA8} to specify the GUID.

Also see https://github.com/xjasonlyu/tun2socks/issues/300 for reference.