xkforce / Nagatocraft-2

A new and improved version of Nagatocraft
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Add new villager types and tweak existing ones #52

Open xkforce opened 5 years ago

xkforce commented 5 years ago

The brewer villager buys and sells potions and potion related items like netherwart or treasure potions like the potion of ascension

The bartender villager buys and sells alcohol related items like barley or yeast

The nitwit may be made into an... alcoholic that buys alcohol

The cook villager buys and sells things related to food like ingredients or soups/cakes

xkforce commented 5 years ago

The old brewer villager has been renamed to be the bartender and is currently temporarily disabled as the alcohol system hasnt been implemented yet.

The new brewer villager now buys netherwart and other potion ingredients like gunpowder and glowstone dust. The first treasure potion has been added as a relatively expensive trade at 45-55 emeralds each with others to follow.

Nitwit trades are currently disabled since the alcohol brewing system doesnt really exist yet and even if it did, I am still uncertain of whether or not to make the nitwit an alcoholic as it's kind of dark.

The cook villager has not been implemented yet and I am debating as to whether to add it as some farmer trades overlap with it. Although I could just make the farmer deal in raw materials only.