xkjyeah / vue-google-maps

Google maps component for vue with 2-way data binding
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Using html in google map info window #580

Closed reduanrafi closed 2 years ago

reduanrafi commented 5 years ago

Hi ! I am using vue-google-maps library and I want to change the info window style. I want a list and a button on that info window .

Note: Another related issue also opened last year but no one respond . That's why I created this issue.

blaiddyd commented 5 years ago

Hello! I'm not too sure how to do it by using the info window component. But you might want to just do it the way it is outlined in the google maps docs right here

You can also easily display your own custom HTML components with the vue2-gmap-custom-marker package. Hope this helps a little 😃

Edit: Here is a changed version of the info window example on the documentation website where I have added a button and a list inside the info window.

    <gmap-map :center="center" :zoom="15" style="width: 100%; height: 500px">
      <gmap-info-window :options="infoOptions" :position="infoWindowPos" :opened="infoWinOpen" @closeclick="infoWinOpen=false">
           //your custom html components
            <button type="button"
                style="background-color: pink;"
                    List Item
                    Another One

      <gmap-marker :key="i" v-for="(m,i) in markers" :position="m.position" :clickable="true" @click="toggleInfoWindow(m,i)"></gmap-marker>

    export default {
        name: 'example',
        data: () => {
            return {
                center: {
                    lat: 47.376332,
                    lng: 8.547511
                infoContent: '',
                infoWindowPos: null,
                infoWinOpen: false,
                currentMidx: null,
                //optional: offset infowindow so it visually sits nicely on top of our marker
                infoOptions: {
                    pixelOffset: {
                    width: 0,
                    height: -35
                markers: [{
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.376332,
                    lng: 8.547511
                    infoText: 'Marker 1'
                }, {
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.374592,
                    lng: 8.548867
                    infoText: 'Marker 2'
                }, {
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.379592,
                    lng: 8.549867
                    infoText: 'Marker 3'
         methods: {
          toggleInfoWindow: function(marker, idx) {
            this.infoWindowPos = marker.position;
            this.infoContent = marker.infoText;

            //check if its the same marker that was selected if yes toggle
            if (this.currentMidx == idx) {
              this.infoWinOpen = !this.infoWinOpen;
            //if different marker set infowindow to open and reset current marker index
            else {
              this.infoWinOpen = true;
              this.currentMidx = idx;

TihomirS commented 5 years ago

hi, this is ok, but if I want to put a link with URL? how to send URL to href ?

I try: {{infoURLtxt}}

and in function: this.infoURL= marker.infoURL; this.infoURLtxt= marker.infoURLtxt;

but only infoURLtxt is OK..

any ideas?

blaiddyd commented 5 years ago

Hi! Do you mind sharing more of your code where you are trying to achieve this? Thanks!

TihomirS commented 5 years ago

hi, Ekin,

I try to send data here to link:

<gmap-map ref="map" :center="center" :zoom=10 style="width: 100%; height: 500px">
  <gmap-info-window :options="infoOptions" :position="infoWindowPos" :opened="infoWinOpen" @closeclick="infoWinOpen=false">
    <p><strong style="font-size:18px;">{{infoTitle}}</strong></p>
    <a v-bind:href="{{infoURL}}">{{infoURLTXT}}</a>
    <!-- <a href="buildURL({{infoURL}})">visit site</a> -->
  <gmap-marker :key="i" v-for="(m,i) in markers" :visible.sync="m.visible" :title.sync="m.infoText" :position.sync="m.position" :icon.sync="m.icon" :clickable="true" @click="toggleInfoWindow(m,i)"></gmap-marker>

I try:

both not working..

Best, T.

blaiddyd commented 5 years ago

Have you tried doing :href="infoURL" instead? Usually, you don't need to use the {{}} when you are binding variables to attributes.

Hope it helps!

Blackcell commented 5 years ago

@TihomirS, @ekinbukulmez is correct. You should not be passing infoURL in using interpolation brackets. Use :href="infoURL"

Please let us know if it works out.

TihomirS commented 5 years ago

yesterday when I tried it didn't work .. now is OK :) I can confirm this is the right way 👍 thanks @ekinbukulmez , @Blackcell

garcia206 commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to customize the infoWindow max-width? I've tried

<GmapInfoWindow :options="{maxWidth: 400}">
  <!-- some html here -->

Nothing has worked for me yet.

dg-mann commented 4 years ago

In addition is there any good and not hacky way to just style the infowindow?

mindtd commented 3 years ago

Workaround - in App.vue

  1. modify in methods "this.title = marker.infoText;"
  2. add :title="m.title" in <gmap-marker :key="i" v-for="(m,i) in markers" :position="m.position" :title="m.title" :clickable="true" @click="toggleInfoWindow(m,i)">

Now both InfoWindow and tooltip show.

Hello! I'm not too sure how to do it by using the info window component. But you might want to just do it the way it is outlined in the google maps docs right here

You can also easily display your own custom HTML components with the vue2-gmap-custom-marker package. Hope this helps a little 😃

Edit: Here is a changed version of the info window example on the documentation website where I have added a button and a list inside the info window.

    <gmap-map :center="center" :zoom="15" style="width: 100%; height: 500px">
      <gmap-info-window :options="infoOptions" :position="infoWindowPos" :opened="infoWinOpen" @closeclick="infoWinOpen=false">
           //your custom html components
            <button type="button"
                style="background-color: pink;"
                    List Item
                    Another One

      <gmap-marker :key="i" v-for="(m,i) in markers" :position="m.position" :clickable="true" @click="toggleInfoWindow(m,i)"></gmap-marker>

    export default {
        name: 'example',
        data: () => {
            return {
                center: {
                    lat: 47.376332,
                    lng: 8.547511
                infoContent: '',
                infoWindowPos: null,
                infoWinOpen: false,
                currentMidx: null,
                //optional: offset infowindow so it visually sits nicely on top of our marker
                infoOptions: {
                    pixelOffset: {
                    width: 0,
                    height: -35
                markers: [{
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.376332,
                    lng: 8.547511
                    infoText: 'Marker 1'
                }, {
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.374592,
                    lng: 8.548867
                    infoText: 'Marker 2'
                }, {
                    position: {
                    lat: 47.379592,
                    lng: 8.549867
                    infoText: 'Marker 3'
         methods: {
          toggleInfoWindow: function(marker, idx) {
            this.infoWindowPos = marker.position;
            this.infoContent = marker.infoText;

            //check if its the same marker that was selected if yes toggle
            if (this.currentMidx == idx) {
              this.infoWinOpen = !this.infoWinOpen;
            //if different marker set infowindow to open and reset current marker index
            else {
              this.infoWinOpen = true;
              this.currentMidx = idx;


Hello Ekin, running vue.js, the html custom info-window works nicely, but no infoContent display ('Marker 1', 'Marker 2', 'Marker 3'). Tried adding tooltipContent:

infoContent: '', tooltipContent: '',

and like so,

this.infoContent = marker.infoText; this.tooltipContent = marker.infoText;

to no avail. Any suggestion?