xlang-ai / UnifiedSKG

[EMNLP 2022] Unifying and multi-tasking structured knowledge grounding with language models
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prefix tuning with t5-3b #27

Closed zluw1117 closed 2 years ago

zluw1117 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to run prefix tuning with t5-3b, but I got some strange error

  File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/py3.7pytorch1.8new/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/ubuntu/code/UnifiedSKG/models/prompt/modeling_t5.py", line 486, in forward
    key_states = torch.cat([prefix["prev_key"], key_states], dim=2)
RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 3. Got 128 and 32 (The offending index is 0)

This error does not take place for t5-base or t5-large, only got this for t5-3b. Any tips? Also I am having OOM issue with t5-3b model, it crashed even in case of mini-batch size = 1 and running on a 40GB GPU. Does anyone have the same issue? Thanks.

Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago


Thanks for pointing out! I just double-checked the code in preifx-tuning and found we over-cleaned a small part which will cause mis-match in dimension. We will fix it asap.


Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago

The key is the different design logic in HuggingFace BART and T5-series config files, which requires us to treat them separately. (btw. You can look through the change we make, and you will know the previous code and the current code are in equivalence instead of t5-3b due to the dimension. It won't affect anything.

Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago


We updated the code and made up the missing code, could you try again and tell us if everything work smoothly?

Hope these information above helpful! Thanks!

zluw1117 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your input! Actually I got a new error when running the code for t5-3b (T5-large works well)

 File "/home/ubuntu/code/UnifiedSKG/models/unified/prefixtuning.py", line 265, in forward
    bsz=bsz, description=description_representation, knowledge=knowledge_representation,
  File "/home/ubuntu/code/UnifiedSKG/models/unified/prefixtuning.py", line 125, in get_prompt
    bsz, seqlen, self.match_n_layer * 2, self.match_n_head, self.match_n_embd
RuntimeError: shape '[1, 10, 48, 32, 128]' is invalid for input of size 491520


Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago

Okay, then could you give us the command and config file you used?

zluw1117 commented 2 years ago

Yeah. I just modified location in UnifiedSKG/configure/Salesforce/T5_large_prefix_spider_with_cell_value.cfg to t5-3b, and then run

deepspeed train.py --deepspeed deepspeed/ds_config_zero2.json --seed 2 --cfg /home/ubuntu/code/UnifiedSKG/configure/Salesforce/T5_large_prefix_spider_with_cell_value.cfg --run_name nl2sql-prefix_tuning --logging_strategy steps --logging_first_step true --logging_steps 4 --evaluation_strategy steps --eval_steps 64 --metric_for_best_model avr --greater_is_better true --save_strategy steps --save_steps 64 --save_total_limit 3 --load_best_model_at_end --gradient_accumulation_steps 250 --num_train_epochs 650 --adafactor false --learning_rate 1e-4 --do_train --do_eval --predict_with_generate --output_dir output/spider_prompt --per_device_train_batch_size 1 --per_device_eval_batch_size 1 --generation_num_beams 1 --generation_max_length 512 --input_max_length 1024 --ddp_find_unused_parameters true
Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago

Copy that, we are trying to reproduce the problem, hold tight pls.

zluw1117 commented 2 years ago

For UnifiedSKG/configure/Salesforce/T5_large_prefix_spider_with_cell_value.cfg:

name = unified.prefixtuning
use_description = False
concatenate_description = False
map_description = False
# Should be one of (separate, concatenate)
knowledge_usage = concatenate
freeze_plm = True
freeze_prefix = False

data_store_path = ./data
description_max_length = 64
upsample_temp = 1

constructor = seq2seq_construction.meta_tuning
patience = 50

spider = META_TUNING/spider_with_cell.cfg

tool = metrics.meta_tuning.evaluator

# 10 previously.
prefix_sequence_length = 10
mid_dim = 512
prefix_dropout = 0.0

less = ' <'
less_or_equal = ' <='

location = t5-3b
Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago

Hey, could you try this prefixtuning code your side? Currently we have no deepspeed and machine handy.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import torch
from torch import nn
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from .base import PushToHubFriendlyModel
from ..prompt.modeling_auto import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

class Model(PushToHubFriendlyModel):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

        """The prefix-tuning code"""

        self.preseqlen = args.prefix_tuning.prefix_sequence_length
        self.mid_dim = args.prefix_tuning.mid_dim

        print("prefix-tuning sequence length is {}.".format(self.preseqlen))

        # Load tokenizer and model.
        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.bert.location, use_fast=False)
        self.pretrain_model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(
        self.config = self.pretrain_model.config
        from ..prompt.modeling_bart import BartForConditionalGeneration
        from ..prompt.modeling_t5 import T5ForConditionalGeneration
        if isinstance(self.pretrain_model, BartForConditionalGeneration):
            self.match_n_layer = self.config.decoder_layers
            self.match_n_head = self.config.decoder_attention_heads
            self.n_embd = self.config.d_model
            assert self.n_embd % self.match_n_head == 0
            self.match_n_embd = self.n_embd // self.match_n_head # huggingface BART's dim of kv need to be calculated
        elif isinstance(self.pretrain_model, (T5ForConditionalGeneration)):
            self.match_n_layer = self.config.num_decoder_layers
            self.match_n_head = self.config.num_heads
            self.n_embd = self.config.d_model
            self.match_n_embd = self.config.d_kv
            raise ValueError("Other models are not supported yet!")

        if args.special_tokens:
            self.tokenizer.add_tokens([v for k, v in args.special_tokens])

        # Prefix related.
        self.register_buffer('input_tokens', torch.arange(self.preseqlen).long())

        self.wte = nn.Embedding(self.preseqlen, self.n_embd)
        self.control_trans = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
            nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),
        if self.args.model.knowledge_usage == 'separate':
            self.knowledge_trans = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
                nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),

        self.wte_enc = nn.Embedding(self.preseqlen, self.n_embd)
        self.control_trans_enc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
            nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),
        if self.args.model.knowledge_usage == 'separate':
            self.knowledge_trans_enc = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
                nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),

        self.wte_dec = nn.Embedding(self.preseqlen, self.n_embd)
        self.control_trans_dec = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
            nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),

        # Knowledge prompt.
        if self.args.model.knowledge_usage == 'separate':
            self.knowledge_trans_dec = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Linear(self.n_embd, self.mid_dim),
                nn.Linear(self.mid_dim, self.match_n_layer * 2 * self.match_n_head * self.match_n_embd),

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(args.prefix_tuning.prefix_dropout)

        if self.args.model.freeze_plm:
            for param in self.pretrain_model.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
        if self.args.model.freeze_prefix:
            for param in self.wte.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in self.control_trans.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in self.wte_dec.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in self.control_trans_dec.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in self.wte_enc.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in self.control_trans_enc.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False

    def get_prompt(self, bsz=None, sample_size=1, description=None, knowledge=None):
        old_bsz = bsz
        bsz = bsz * sample_size
        input_tokens = self.input_tokens.unsqueeze(0).expand(bsz, -1)
        temp_control = self.wte(input_tokens)
        if description is not None:
            temp_control = temp_control + description.repeat_interleave(sample_size, dim=0).unsqueeze(1)
        past_key_values = self.control_trans(temp_control)  # bsz, seqlen, layer*emb
        if knowledge is not None:
            past_key_values = torch.cat([past_key_values, self.knowledge_trans(knowledge.repeat_interleave(sample_size, dim=0))], dim=1)

        bsz, seqlen, _ = past_key_values.shape
        past_key_values = past_key_values.view(
            bsz, seqlen, self.match_n_layer * 2, self.match_n_head, self.match_n_embd
        past_key_values = self.dropout(past_key_values)
        past_key_values = past_key_values.permute([2, 0, 3, 1, 4]).split(2)

        # Cross prefix
        temp_control_dec = self.wte_dec(input_tokens)
        if description is not None:
            temp_control_dec = temp_control_dec + description.repeat_interleave(sample_size, dim=0).unsqueeze(1)
        past_key_values_dec = self.control_trans_dec(
        )  # bsz, seqlen, layer*emb
        if knowledge is not None:
            past_key_values_dec = torch.cat([past_key_values_dec, self.knowledge_trans_dec(knowledge.repeat_interleave(sample_size, dim=0))], dim=1)

        bsz, seqlen, _ = past_key_values_dec.shape
        past_key_values_dec = past_key_values_dec.view(
            bsz, seqlen, self.match_n_layer * 2, self.match_n_head, self.match_n_embd
        past_key_values_dec = self.dropout(past_key_values_dec)
        past_key_values_dec = past_key_values_dec.permute([2, 0, 3, 1, 4]).split(2)

        # Encoder prefix
        input_tokens_enc = (
            self.input_tokens.unsqueeze(0).expand(old_bsz, -1)
        temp_control_enc = self.wte_enc(input_tokens_enc)
        if description is not None:
            temp_control_enc = temp_control_enc + description.unsqueeze(1)
        past_key_values_enc = self.control_trans_enc(
        )  # bsz, seqlen, layer*emb
        if knowledge is not None:
            past_key_values_enc = torch.cat([past_key_values_enc, self.knowledge_trans_enc(knowledge)], dim=1)

        bsz_enc, seqlen, _ = past_key_values_enc.shape
        past_key_values_enc = past_key_values_enc.view(
            self.match_n_layer * 2,
        past_key_values_enc = self.dropout(past_key_values_enc)
        past_key_values_enc = past_key_values_enc.permute([2, 0, 3, 1, 4]).split(2)

        result = []
        for i, key_val in enumerate(past_key_values):
            temp = dict()
            temp["decoder_prompt"] = {
                "prev_key": key_val[0].contiguous(),
                "prev_value": key_val[1].contiguous(),
                "prev_key_padding_mask": torch.zeros(bsz, seqlen)
                # bsz, preseqlen
            key_val_dec = past_key_values_dec[i]
            temp["cross_attention_prompt"] = {
                "prev_key": key_val_dec[0].contiguous(),
                "prev_value": key_val_dec[1].contiguous(),
                "prev_key_padding_mask": torch.zeros(bsz, seqlen)
            key_val_enc = past_key_values_enc[i]
            temp["encoder_prompt"] = {
                "prev_key": key_val_enc[0].contiguous(),
                "prev_value": key_val_enc[1].contiguous(),
                "prev_key_padding_mask": torch.zeros(bsz_enc, seqlen)

        return result

    def get_description_representation(self, kwargs):
        if self.args.model.use_description and self.args.model.map_description:
            description_input_ids = kwargs.pop("description_input_ids")
            description_attention_mask = kwargs.pop("description_attention_mask")
            if self.args.bert.location in ["t5-small", "t5-base", "t5-large", "t5-3b", "t5-11b"]:
                description_outputs = self.pretrain_model.encoder(
                description = description_outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0]  # TODO: the first token from the encoder.
            elif self.args.bert.location in ["facebook/bart-base", "facebook/bart-large"]:
                description_outputs = self.pretrain_model.model.encoder(
                description = description_outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0]  # TODO: the first token from the encoder.
                raise ValueError()
            description = None

        return description

    def get_knowledge_representation(self, kwargs):
        if self.args.model.knowledge_usage == 'separate':
            knowledge_input_ids = kwargs.pop("knowledge_input_ids", None)
            knowledge_attention_mask = kwargs.pop("knowledge_attention_mask", None)
            if self.args.bert.location in ["t5-small", "t5-base", "t5-large", "t5-3b", "t5-11b"]:
                knowledge_outputs = self.pretrain_model.encoder(
                knowledge = knowledge_outputs.last_hidden_state
            elif self.args.bert.location in ["facebook/bart-base", "facebook/bart-large"]:
                knowledge_outputs = self.pretrain_model.model.encoder(
                knowledge = knowledge_outputs.last_hidden_state
                raise ValueError()
        elif self.args.model.knowledge_usage == 'concatenate':
            knowledge = None
            raise ValueError()

        return knowledge

    def forward(self,
        bsz = input_ids.shape[0]

        # Encode description.
        description_representation = self.get_description_representation(kwargs)

        # Encode knowledge.
        knowledge_representation = self.get_knowledge_representation(kwargs)

        past_prompt = self.get_prompt(
            bsz=bsz, description=description_representation, knowledge=knowledge_representation,

        loss = self.pretrain_model(
        return {'loss': loss}

    def generate(self,

        bsz = input_ids.shape[0]

        # Encode description.
        description_representation = self.get_description_representation(kwargs)

        # Encode knowledge.
        knowledge_representation = self.get_knowledge_representation(kwargs)

        past_prompt = self.get_prompt(
            bsz=bsz, sample_size=kwargs['num_beams'], description=description_representation, knowledge=knowledge_representation,
        generated_ids = self.pretrain_model.generate(

        return generated_ids
zluw1117 commented 2 years ago

Looks good! Now I only have OOM issue (even though I ran with mini-batch = 1 on 40G A100)

RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 66.00 MiB (GPU 4; 39.59 GiB total capacity; 35.44 GiB already allocated; 21.19 MiB free; 36.39 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

So the code should somehow works. 👍

Timothyxxx commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks! I think using multiple GPUs will fix that issue then! Thanks again for pointing out the bug!