xlash123 / KHUx-Discord-Bot

A Discord bot that will aid players in getting information about the mobile game Kingdom Hearts Union X.
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Bot seems to be offline. #44

Closed Creactus closed 4 years ago

Creactus commented 4 years ago

I've noticed that over the past few days the bot has been offline, I wanted to bring it to your attention on the off chance that there is an issue that needs to be fixed.

shanible commented 4 years ago

It last worked on 06 December for me, right around all those google api errors discord encountered.

xlash123 commented 4 years ago

Hello. I have noticed that the bot has been tending to unexpectedly shut down without notice or reason. I am currently trying to find a solution, but at the moment, I have found little leads. I also don’t spend much time programming the bot since I have stopped playing the game for well over a year now. I will still try to fix this bug, but please be patient as I am still clueless as to why it keeps happening.

Also, I didn’t know about the Google stuff, but I don’t think it’s related as this issue existed before December 6.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I can hot fix the issue by restarting the bot every time it goes offline, however it’s pretty unstable and seems to go down within a day.

xlash123 commented 4 years ago

Huh, it hasn't gone offline in over a week. Perhaps there was a problem on Discord/Google's end. I'll close this issue as it appears to have solved itself.

Creactus commented 4 years ago

Now that it's back online it seems to not be accepting commands outside of the base commands that post a description of what they do, such as "!medal" telling you how that command works... but doing "!medal Sora" doesn't post anything. The same is true for the other commands, though some, like "!tweet," aren't posting anything even when using the base command.

xlash123 commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see the issue. I am on it.

Creactus commented 4 years ago

Ty, you're the best!!