xldeltares / hybridurb

HybridUrb: a Python package to perform hybrid urban flood modelling
MIT License
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Calibrate regression model 👍 #15

Open xldeltares opened 1 year ago

xldeltares commented 1 year ago

Think about how to make this modular, so later can replace with other method

xldeltares commented 1 year ago

Calibration configuration (ref: neural hydrology): change to event selection?

# --- Experiment configurations --------------------------------------------------------------------

# experiment name, used as folder name
experiment_name: test_run

# files to specify training, validation and test basins (relative to code root or absolute path)
train_basin_file: 1_basin.txt
validation_basin_file: 1_basin.txt
test_basin_file: 1_basin.txt

# training, validation and test time periods (format = 'dd/mm/yyyy')
train_start_date: "01/10/1999"
train_end_date: "30/09/2008"
validation_start_date: "01/10/1980"
validation_end_date: "30/09/1989"
test_start_date: "01/10/1989"
test_end_date: "30/09/1999"

# which GPU (id) to use [in format of cuda:0, cuda:1 etc, or cpu or None]
device: cuda:0