xldeltares / hybridurb

HybridUrb: a Python package to perform hybrid urban flood modelling
MIT License
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Refinement Overview 🌟 #19

Open xldeltares opened 1 year ago

xldeltares commented 1 year ago

Objective: convert and calibrate a hybridurb model from a Delft3DFM 1D model. Test case Eindhoven.

About Delft3DFM model: model topology: rr + dflowfm model results: rainfall + flood on manholes

About hybridurb: graph model: distributed physical network + semi-distributed hydrological network. regression model: static features (sewer physical parameters) + dynamic feature (hydrological process) --> probability of flooding

About test case Eindhoven: sewer network + hydraulic structures (pumps and weirs) Memo on hybridurb.docx rionet design rainfall Rainfall_NL_RIONED.xlsx


  1. convert delft3dfm to geometry files --> get graph topology and physical params (pipe size, roughness, capacity, bedlevel etc)
  2. conduct graph optimization --> get flow path and hydrological params (tc, ua, e) to run hydrological processes
  3. Run Eindhoven and graph model for multiple rainfall scenarios --> get calibration dataset
  4. calibrate regression model --> get complete hybridurb model


  1. Graph representation of Eindhoven Model
    • [x] #11
    • [x] #21
    • [x] #24
    • [x] #14
    • [ ] #35
    • [ ] #25
    • [ ] #36 (joined development with hydromt_delft3dfm)
    • [ ] #23 [optional]
    • [ ] #12
    • [ ] #22
    • [ ] #26
  2. Run model (rainfall runoff and/or runoff routing) For Eindhoven model
    • [ ] #38 (vision #30) [optional]
    • [ ] #18
    • [ ] #17
  3. Calibration of regression module for Eindhoven model
    • [ ] #16
    • [ ] #31
    • [ ] #13
    • [ ] #32
    • [ ] #15 (vision #28 & #29 )
  4. Hybrid model for Eindhoven
    • [ ] #27

Planning https://github.com/users/xldeltares/projects/1/views/3?filterQuery=

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