xldeltares / hybridurb

HybridUrb: a Python package to perform hybrid urban flood modelling
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

45 upload pyfuncs from phd to src folder #46

Open xldeltares opened 12 months ago

xldeltares commented 12 months ago

This branch contains source code from previous studies.

The source codes are the core functionalities of setting up hybridurb model. They are:

  1. createSewerGraph.py script contains the functions used to build a graph (nodes, edges, nodes attributes, edges attributes) from hydrodynamic model geometry files.
  2. sewerProcessing.py script contains the functions used to optimize a graph - ensuring proper flow paths.
  3. DataExploration.py script contains the functions to explore the calibration data and implement the regression model.
  4. floodMAPPING_funcs.py script contains the helper functions that are called in the above scripts.
