xlwings / xlwings

xlwings is a Python library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa. It works with Excel on Windows and macOS as well as with Google Sheets and Excel on the web.
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about UDFS(@xw.arg : ndim=2 or expand='table') #2525

Closed lgxcxd closed 1 month ago

lgxcxd commented 1 month ago

OS (e.g. Windows 10 or macOS Sierra)

windows 11

Versions of xlwings, Excel and Python (e.g. 0.11.8, Office 365, Python 3.7)


Describe your issue (incl. Traceback!)

# Your traceback here

Include a minimal code sample to reproduce the issue (and attach a sample workbook if required!)

# Your code here
import xlwings as xw
@xw.arg('data', ndim=2)
def add_one(data):
    return [[cell+1 for cell in row] for row in data]

@xw.arg('data', expand='table')
def add_two(data):
    return [[cell+2 for cell in row] for row in data]

These two definitions both work properly, but what are the deeper differences between them?

fzumstein commented 1 month ago

These options are explained here: https://docs.xlwings.org/en/latest/converters.html let me know if that doesn't clear things up.

lgxcxd commented 1 month ago

These options are explained here: https://docs.xlwings.org/en/latest/converters.html let me know if that doesn't clear things up.

  1. Data Structures Tutorial: lists, 1dlists, used to preserve the original row and column information from Excel when reading single rows or columns; (The section on Converters and Options—ndim is not detailed enough) myrange = sheet['a1:a5'].options(ndim=2).value

  2. "Data Structures Tutorial: NumPy arrays" used in conjunction with the converter convert=np.array: mydata = sheet['A1:CE'].options(np.array, ndim=2);

  3. "User Defined Functions (UDFs)—Array formulas: Get efficient—Number of array dimensions: ndim" used when defining custom functions: @xw.arg('x', ndim=2)

fzumstein commented 1 month ago

expand="table" autoexpands if there's more than 1 cell. It's basically ctrl+shift+down+right. If there's just one cell, you get a scalar, if there's a row or column array, you get a 1d list, only if there's a 2d source range, you get a 2d list/numpy array. If you'd always want to force the values to arrive as 2d list/array, even if it's just a single cell/1d array in Excel, you set ndim=2.

lgxcxd commented 1 month ago

expand="table" autoexpands if there's more than 1 cell. It's basically ctrl+shift+down+right. If there's just one cell, you get a scalar, if there's a row or column array, you get a 1d list, only if there's a 2d source range, you get a 2d list/numpy array. If you'd always want to force the values to arrive as 2d list/array, even if it's just a single cell/1d array in Excel, you set ndim=2.

Thank you!