xma / T480-Clover

Lenovo T480 hackintosh ThinkPad - using Clover
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Battery Life & Sleep/Wake #54

Open pierpaolodimarzo opened 1 year ago

pierpaolodimarzo commented 1 year ago


could you form me the parameters (pmset) to be applied to have the best battery life in sleep?

Also I wanted to know if it is possible to wake up from keyboard / trackpad


xma commented 1 year ago


It has been discussed here before, take a look at

https://github.com/xma/T480-Clover/issues/8 https://github.com/xma/T480-Clover/issues/49

=> settings i'm using for helping battery drain while computer is asleep

about wake, same story : discussed at https://github.com/xma/T480-Clover/issues/19

pierpaolodimarzo commented 1 year ago

Where do i find the settings for helping battery drain while computer is asleep? I set the pmset as shown in the photo of issue # 49 but in any case the consumption is high

xma commented 1 year ago


in BIOS, "Always ON USB" : disabled

perhaps that could help ?