xmake-io / xmake-repo

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安装libtorch缺失cuda库 #5113

Open Stehsaer opened 2 weeks ago

Stehsaer commented 2 weeks ago

Xmake 版本



Windows 11 22631.4112






-- Requires
add_requires("libtorch", {config={cuda=true, openmp=true}})
-- target, mode等其他配置...



PS E:\Dev\sr\sr-cpp> xmake f -a x64 --toolchain=msvc -m debug
checking for platform ... windows
checking for Microsoft Visual Studio (x64) version ... 2022
checking for Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (x64) version ... 19.40.33814
note: install or modify (m) these packages (pass -y to skip confirm)?
in xmake-repo:
  -> libtorch v2.4.0 [runtimes:"MT", cuda:y, openmp:y, toolchains:"msvc"]
please input: y (y/n/m)
  => install libtorch v2.4.0 .. ok      
error: The packages(cuda) not found, please run `xmake repo -u` first!
warning: add_requires("libtorch") has unknown option: {config=table: 00000202D19912B0}!
warning: add -v for getting more warnings ..
PS E:\Dev\sr\sr-cpp> xmake repo -u                  
updating repositories .. ok
PS E:\Dev\sr\sr-cpp> xmake f -a x64 --toolchain=msvc -m debug 
checking for platform ... windows
checking for Microsoft Visual Studio (x64) version ... 2022
checking for Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (x64) version ... 19.40.33814
error: The packages(cuda) not found, please run `xmake repo -u` first!
warning: add_requires("libtorch") has unknown option: {config=table: 0000015680671FB0}!
warning: add -v for getting more warnings ..
PS E:\Dev\sr\sr-cpp> xrepo install cuda    
error: The packages(cuda) not found, please run `xrepo update-repo` first!
error: execv(C:\Users\Lenovo\xmake\xmake.exe require -j 18 --extra={system=false} cuda) failed(-1)


PS E:\Dev\sr\sr-cpp> xmake f -a x64 --toolchain=msvc -m debug -vD
checking for platform ... windows
checking for cl.exe ... D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe
checking for Microsoft Visual Studio (x64) version ... 2022
checking for Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (x64) version ... 19.40.33814
checkinfo: cannot runv(unzip.exe -v), No such file or directory
checking for unzip ... no
checking for 7z ... C:\Users\Lenovo\xmake\winenv\bin\7z
checking for git ... ok
checkinfo: cannot runv(gzip.exe --version), No such file or directory
checking for gzip ... no
git rev-parse HEAD
checking for cl.exe ... D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe
checking for the c compiler (cc) ... cl.exe
checking for cl.exe ... D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe
checking for the c++ compiler (cxx) ... cl.exe
checking for Cuda SDK directory ... C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.3
checking for cmake ... no
checking for cmake ... no
checking for cmake ... no
checking for cmake ... C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake
checking for python ... no
checking for python3 ... no
checking for python ... no
checking for python2 ... no
checking for python ... no
checking for ninja ... no
checking for ninja ... no
checking for ninja ... no
checking for ninja ... ok
checking for link.exe ... D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe
checking for the linker (ld) ... link.exe
checking for xmake-repo::openmp ... openmp 
finding cuda from xmake ..
checking for xmake::cuda ... no
finding cuda from vcpkg ..
finding cuda from conan ..
finding cuda from pkgconfig ..
checkinfo: cannot runv(pkg-config.exe --version), No such file or directory
checking for pkg-config ... no
checkinfo: cannot runv(pkgconf.exe --version), No such file or directory
checking for pkgconf ... no
finding cuda from system ..
> D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.exe -c -nologo -FoC:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\.xmake\240901\_3D1A5E8C95854C7083B298F3182688E0.o C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\.xmake\240901\_775FB00633BC4F66BF87D39CCDE5CF30.c
> D:\Tools\VS2022\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe -nologo -dynamicbase -nxcompat -machine:x64 cuda.lib -out:C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\.xmake\240901\_3D1A5E8C95854C7083B298F3182688E0.b C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\.xmake\240901\_3D1A5E8C95854C7083B298F3182688E0.o
> checking for c links(cuda)
> checking for c snippet(find_package/cuda)
checkinfo: ...gramdir\core\sandbox\modules\import\core\tool\linker.lua:75: @programdir\modules\core\tools\link.lua:175: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“cuda.lib”

stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    [@programdir\modules\core\tools\link.lua:175]: in function 'catch'
    [@programdir\core\sandbox\modules\try.lua:123]: in function 'try'
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    [@programdir\core\tool\linker.lua:222]: in function 'link'
    [...gramdir\core\sandbox\modules\import\core\tool\linker.lua:73]: in function 'link'
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    [@programdir\core\base\utils.lua:275]: in function 'trycall'
    [@programdir\core\sandbox\modules\try.lua:117]: in function 'try'
    [@programdir\modules\package\manager\find_package.lua:84]: in function '_find_package_with_builtin_rule'
    [@programdir\modules\package\manager\find_package.lua:130]: in function '_find_package'
    [@programdir\core\package\package.lua:1852]: in function '_fetch_library'
    [@programdir\core\package\package.lua:2022]: in function 'fetch'
    [...modules\private\action\require\impl\install_packages.lua:335]: in function 'jobfunc'
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    [@programdir\core\base\utils.lua:275]: in function 'trycall'
    [@programdir\core\sandbox\modules\try.lua:117]: in function 'try'
    [@programdir\modules\async\runjobs.lua:223]: in function 'cotask'

checking for cuda ... no
finding nvtx from xmake ..
checking for xmake::nvtx ... no
checking for xmake-repo::nvtx ... nvtx 
finding openblas from xmake ..
checking for xmake::openblas ... openblas 0.3.27
finding libtorch from xmake ..
checking for xmake::libtorch ... libtorch v2.4.0
error: @programdir\core\main.lua:329: @programdir\modules\private\action\require\install.lua:53: The packages(cuda) not found, please run `xmake repo -u` first!
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    [@programdir\modules\private\action\require\install.lua:53]: in function '_check_missing_packages'
    [C]: in function 'xpcall'
    [@programdir\core\base\task.lua:491]: in function 'run'
    [@programdir\core\main.lua:327]: in function 'cotask'

stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        @programdir\core\base\os.lua:973: in function 'os.raiselevel'
        (...tail calls...)
        @programdir\core\main.lua:329: in upvalue 'cotask'
        @programdir\core\base\scheduler.lua:406: in function <@programdir\core\base\scheduler.lua:399>
warning: add_requires("libtorch") has unknown option: {config=table: 00000202960A4CC0}!
warning: The library cudnn for x64 is not found!
Issues-translate-bot commented 2 weeks ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Title: Install libtorch missing cuda library

xq114 commented 2 weeks ago

configs 不是 config

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 weeks ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

configs is not config