xmake-io / xmake

🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua
Apache License 2.0
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zsh完成提示修改 #4015

Closed Mythos-404 closed 1 year ago

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago


在终端调整xmake config没有提示很麻烦


我已经编写了一份 _xmake 因为是第一次写zsh-completions有些地方实现的不好请指出

xmake completions ```sh #compdef xmake _common_options=( '(-q,--quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[Quiet operation.]' '(-y,--yes)'{-y,--yes}'[Input yes by default if need user confirm.]' '--confirm=[Input the given result if need user confirm.]:(given result):(yes no def)' '(-v,--verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Print lots of verbose information for users.]' '--root[Allow to run xmake as root.]' '(-D,--diagnosis)'{-D,--diagnosis}'[Print lots of diagnosis information (backtrace, check info ..) only for developers.]' '--version[Print the version number and exit.]' '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print this help message and exit.]' '(-F,--file=)'{-F,--file=}'[Read a given xmake.lua file.]:(xmake.lua path):_files' '(-P,--project=)'{-P,--project=}'[Change to the given project directory.]:(project path):_files -/' ) _xmake() { local line typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-b,--build)'{-b,--build}'[Build target. This is default building mode and optional.]' \ '(-r,--rebuild)'{-r,--rebuild}'[Rebuild the target.]' \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Build all target.]' \ '(-g,--group=)'{-g,--group=}'[Build all targets of the given group. It support path pattern matching.]' \ '--dry-run[Dry run to build target.]' \ '(-j,--jobs=)'{-j,--jobs=}'[Set the number of parallel compilation jobs.]:(number)' \ '--linkjobs[Set the number of parallel link jobs.]:(number)' \ '(-w,--warning)'{-w,--warning}'[Enable the warnings output.]' \ '--files=[Build the given source files.]:files:_files' \ '1: :_xmake_task' \ '*::task:->task' case $state in task) local -a targets targets=($(xmake show -l targets | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g')) case $words[1] in b | build) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-b,--build)'{-b,--build}'[Build target. This is default building mode and optional.]' \ '(-r,--rebuild)'{-r,--rebuild}'[Rebuild the target.]' \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Build all target.]' \ '(-g,--group=)'{-g,--group=}'[Build all targets of the given group. It support path pattern matching.]' \ '--dry-run[Dry run to build target.]' \ '(-j,--jobs=)'{-j,--jobs=}'[Set the number of parallel compilation jobs.]:(number)' \ '--linkjobs[Set the number of parallel link jobs.]:(number)' \ '(-w,--warning)'{-w,--warning}'[Enable the warnings output.]' \ '--files=[Build the given source files.]:files:_files' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in r | run) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-d,--debug)'{-d,--debug}'[Run and debug the given target.]' \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Run all targets.]' \ '(-w,--workdir=)'{-w,--workder=}'[ork directory of running targets, default is folder of targetfile.]:(workdir path):_files -/' \ '(-j,--jobs=)'{-j,--jobs=}'[Set the number of parallel compilation jobs.]:(number)' \ '--detach[Run targets in detached processes.]' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in create) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-f,--force)'{-f,--force}'[Force to create project in a non-empty directory.]' \ '(-l --language=)'{-l,--language=}'[The project language.]:(language):(c c++ rust nim cuda go zig fortran pascal dlang vala swift objc objc++)' \ '(-t --template=)'{-t,--template=}'[Select the project template id or name of the given language.]:(template):(console qt.console qt.quickapp qt.quickapp_static qt.shared qt.static qt.widgetapp qt.widgetapp_static shared static tbox.console tbox.shared tbox.static wxwidgets xcode.bundle xcode.framework xcode.iosapp xcode.iosapp_with_framework xcode.macapp xcode.macapp_with_framework xmake.cli)' ;; esac case $words[1] in f | conFig) local toolchains_list toolchains_list=($(xmake show -l toolchains | grep -o '^\s*\w\+' | cat)) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-c,--clean)'{-c,--clean}'[Clean the cached user configs and detection cache.]' \ '--check[Just ignore detection cache and force to check all, it will reserve the cached user configs.]' \ '--export=[Export the current configuration to the given file.]:file:_files' \ '--import=[Import configs from the given file.]:file:_files' \ '--menu[Configure project with a menu-driven user interface.]' \ '(-p,--plat=)'{-p,--plat=}'[Compile for the given platform.]:platform:(cross macosx appletvos watchos bsd wasm haiku iphoneos mingw android linux cygwin windows msys)' \ '(-a,--arch=)'{-a,--arch=}'[Compile for the given architecture.]:architecture:(i386 x86_64 arm arm64 mips mips64 riscv riscv64 s390x ppc ppc64 sh4)' \ '(-m,--mode=)'{-m,--mode=}'[Compile for the given mode.]:mode:(debug release)' \ '(-k,--kind=)'{-k,--kind=}'[Compile for the given target kind.]:kind:(static shared binary)' \ '--host=[Set the current host environment.]:host' \ '--policies=[Set the project policies.]:policies' \ '--require=[Require all dependent packages?]:require:(yes no)' \ '--pkg_searchdirs=[The search directories of the remote package.]:dirs:_files -/' \ '--cross=[Set cross toolchains prefix]:prefix' \ '--target_os=[Set target os only for cross-compilation]:target_os' \ '--bin=[Set cross toolchains bin directory]:bin:_files -/' \ '--sdk=[Set cross SDK directory]:sdk:_files -/' \ '--toolchain=[Set toolchain name]:toolchain:($toolchains_list)' \ '--as=[The Assembler]:as' \ '--ar=[The Static Library Linker]:ar' \ '--ld=[The Linker]:ld' \ '--sh=[The Shared Library Linker]:sh' \ '--asflags=[The Assembler Flags]:asflags' \ '--ldflags=[The Binary Linker Flags]:ldflags' \ '--arflags=[The Static Library Linker Flags]:arflags' \ '--shflags=[The Shared Library Linker Flags]:shflags' \ '--links=[The Link Libraries]:links' \ '--syslinks=[The System Link Libraries]:syslinks' \ '--linkdirs=[The Link Search Directories]:linkdirs:_files -/' \ '--includedirs=[The Include Search Directories]:includedirs:_files -/' \ '--rc=[The Rust Compiler]:rc' \ '--rcld=[The Rust Linker]:rcld' \ '--rcar=[The Rust Static Library Archiver]:rcar' \ '--rcsh=[The Rust Shared Library Linker]:rcsh' \ '--fc=[The Fortran Compiler]:fc' \ '--fcld=[The Fortran Linker]:fcld' \ '--fcsh=[The Fortran Shared Library Linker]:fcsh' \ '--cu=[The Cuda Compiler]:cu' \ '--cu-ccbin=[The Cuda Host C++ Compiler]:cu-ccbin' \ '--culd=[The Cuda Linker]:culd' \ '--cuflags=[The Cuda Compiler Flags]:cuflags' \ '--culdflags=[The Cuda Linker Flags]:culdflags' \ '--nc=[The Nim Compiler]:nc' \ '--ncld=[The Nim Linker]:ncld' \ '--ncar=[The Nim Static Library Archiver]:ncar' \ '--ncsh=[The Nim Shared Library Linker]:ncsh' \ '--sc=[The Swift Compiler]:sc' \ '--scld=[The Swift Linker]:scld' \ '--scsh=[The Swift Shared Library Linker]:scsh' \ '--frameworks=[The Frameworks]:frameworks' \ '--frameworkdirs=[The Frameworks Search Directories]:frameworkdirs:_files -/' \ '--zc=[The Zig Compiler]:zc' \ '--zcld=[The Zig Linker]:zcld' \ '--zcar=[The Zig Static Library Archiver]:zcar' \ '--zcsh=[The Zig Shared Library Linker]:zcsh' \ '--mrc=[The Microsoft Resource Compiler]:mrc' \ '--mrcflags=[The Microsoft Resource Flags]:mrcflags' \ '--mm=[The Objc Compiler]:mm' \ '--mxx=[The Objc++ Compiler]:mxx' \ '--mflags=[The Objc Compiler Flags]:mflags' \ '--mxflags=[The Objc/c++ Compiler Flags]:mxflags' \ '--mxxflags=[The Objc++ Compiler Flags]:mxxflags' \ '--dc=[The Dlang Compiler]:dc' \ '--dcld=[The Dlang Linker]:dcld' \ '--dcar=[The Dlang Static Library Archiver]:dcar' \ '--dcsh=[The Dlang Shared Library Linker]:dcsh' \ '--go=[The Golang Compiler]:go' \ '--gcld=[The Golang Linker]:gcld' \ '--go-ar=[The Golang Static Library Linker]:go-ar' \ '--cc=[The C Compiler]:cc' \ '--cxx=[The C++ Compiler]:cxx' \ '--cpp=[The C Preprocessor]:cpp' \ '--ranlib=[The Static Library Index Generator]:ranlib' \ '--cflags=[The C Compiler Flags]:cflags' \ '--cxflags=[The C/C++ compiler Flags]:cxflags' \ '--cxxflags=[The C++ Compiler Flags]:cxxflags' \ '--pc=[The Pascal Compiler]:pc' \ '--pcld=[The Pascal Linker]:pcld' \ '--pcsh=[The Pascal Shared Library Linker]:pcsh' \ '(-o,--buildir=)'{-o,--buildir=}'[Set build directory.]:build_directory:_files -/' # Define the tasks for the config subcommand local -a config_tasks config_tasks=( "clean:Clean the cached user configs and detection cache." "check:Just ignore detection cache and force to check all, it will reserve the cached user configs." "export:Export the current configuration to the given file." "import:Import configs from the given file." "menu:Configure project with a menu-driven user interface." ) # Perform completion based on the current word and the config tasks _describe -t tasks 'tasks' config_tasks "$@" ;; esac case $words[1] in g | global) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '--menu[Configure with a menu-driven user interface.]' \ '--theme=[The theme name. (default: default)]: :(default ninja emoji dark light plain powershell)' \ '--debugger=[The debugger program path. (default: auto)]: :_files' \ '--ccache=[Enable or disable the c/c++ compiler cache.]: :(y n)' \ '--build_warning=[Enable the warnings output by default when building.]' \ '--cachedir=[The global cache directory.]: :_files -/' \ '--network=[Set the network mode. (default: public)]: :(public private)' \ '--insecure-ssl=[Disable to check ssl certificates for downloading.]: :(y n)' \ '-x[Use proxy on given port.]:proxy:(http https socks5)' \ '--proxy_hosts=[Only enable proxy for the given hosts list, it will enable all if unset, and we can pass match pattern to list.]:proxy hosts' \ '--proxy_pac=[Set the auto proxy configuration file. (default: pac.lua)]: :_files' \ '--pkg_searchdirs=[The search directories of the remote package.]: :_files -/' \ '--pkg_cachedir=[The cache root directory of the remote package.]: :_files -/' \ '--pkg_installdir=[The install root directory of the remote package.]: :_files -/' \ '--emsdk=[The emsdk directory]: :_files -/' \ '--mingw=[The MingW SDK Directory]: :_files -/' \ '--ndk=[The NDK Directory]: :_files -/' \ '--ndk_sdkver=[The SDK Version for NDK (default: auto)]: :_files' \ '--android_sdk=[The Android SDK Directory]: :_files -/' \ '--build_toolver=[The Build Tool Version of Android SDK]: :_files' \ '--cuda=[The Cuda SDK Directory (default: auto)]: :_files -/' \ '--qt=[The Qt SDK Directory (default: auto)]: :_files -/' \ '--vcpkg=[The Vcpkg Directory (default: auto)]: :_files -/' ;; esac case $words[1] in c | clean) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Clean all auto-generated files by xmake.]' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in q | require) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-c,--clean)'{-c,--clean}'[Clear all package caches and uninstall all not-referenced packages.]' \ '--clean_modes=[Set the modes of cleaning packages.]:modes:(cache package)' \ '(-f,--force)'{-f,--force}'[Force to reinstall all package dependencies.]' \ '(-j,--jobs=)'{-j,--jobs=}'[Set the number of parallel compilation jobs.]:(number)' \ '--linkjobs[Set the number of parallel link jobs.]:(number)' \ '--shallow[Does not install dependent packages.]' \ '--build[Always build and install packages from source.]' \ '(-l,--list)'{-l,--list}'[List all package dependencies in the project.]' \ '--scan[Scan the given or all installed packages.]' \ '--info[Show the given package info.]' \ '--fetch[Fetch the library info of the given package.]' \ '--fetch_modes=[Set the modes of fetching packages.]:modes:(cflags external deps cflags,ldflags)' \ '(-s,--search)'{-s,--search}'[Search for the given packages from repositories.]' \ '--upgrade[Upgrade the installed packages.]' \ '--uninstall[Uninstall the installed packages.]' \ '--export[Export the installed packages and their dependencies.]' \ '--import[Import the installed packages and their dependencies.]' \ '--packagedir=[Set the packages directory for exporting and importing.]:packagedir:(packages): _files -/' \ '--debugdir=[Set the source directory of the current package for debugging.]:debugdir:_files -/' \ '--extra=[Set the extra info of packages.]:extra' ;; esac case $words[1] in p | package) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-o,--outputdir=)'{-o,--outputdir=}'[Set the output directory.]:(output dir):_files -/' \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Package all targets.]' \ '(-f,--format=)'{-f,--format=}'[Set the package format.]:format:(oldpkg local remote)' \ '--homepage=[Set the homepage of package.]:(homepage)' \ '--description=[Set the description of package.]:(description)' \ '--url=[Set the url of remote package.]:(url)' \ '--version=[Set the version of remove package.]:(version)' \ '--shasum=[Set the sha256 or commit of remote package.]:(shasum)' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in i | install) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '(-o,--installdir=)'{-o,--installdir=}'[Set the install directory.]:(install dir):_files -/' \ '(-g,--group=)'{-g,--group=}'[Install all targets of the given group. It supports path pattern matching.]' \ '(-a,--all)'{-a,--all}'[Install all targets.]' \ '--nopkgs[Only install targets without packages.]' \ '--admin[Try to request administrator permission to install.]' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in u | uninstall) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '--installdir=[Set the install directory.]' \ '(-p,--prefix=)'{-p,--prefix=}'[Set the prefix directory.]:(prefix)' \ '--admin=[Try to request administrator permission to uninstall.]' \ '*::target:->_xmake_target' case $state in _xmake_target) _describe "targets" targets ;; esac ;; esac case $words[1] in update) _arguments -C \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '--uninstall[Uninstall the current xmake program.]' \ '(-s,--scriptonly)'{-s,--scriptonly}'[Update scripts only.]' \ '--integrate[Integrate xmake with the default shell.]' \ '(-f,--force)'{-f,--force}'[Force to update and reinstall the given version.]' ;; esac case $words[1] in service) _arguments \ "${_common_options[@]}" \ '--start[Start daemon service.]' \ '--restart[Restart daemon service.]' \ '--stop[Stop daemon service.]' \ '--connect[Connect current project to the remote daemon service.]' \ '--reconnect[Reconnect current project to the remote daemon service.]' \ '--disconnect[Disconnect current project in the remote daemon service.]' \ '--remote[Start or connect the remote build service.]' \ '--distcc[Start or connect the distributed build service.]' \ '--ccache[Start or connect the remote c/c++ cache service.]' \ '--sync[Sync current project files in the remote daemon service.]' \ '--pull[Pull the given file or directory in the remote daemon service.]:(file or directory):_files -/' \ '--clean[Clean current project files in the remote daemon service.]' \ '--add-user=[Add user in the server.]:(user)' \ '--rm-user=[Remove user in the server.]:(user)' \ '--gen-token[Generate a new token in the server.]' \ '--logs[Show service logs if the daemon service has been started.]' \ '--status[Show service status if the daemon service has been started.]' ;; esac ;; esac } _xmake_task() { local -a tasks tasks=( "f:Configure the project." "config:Configure the project." "r:Run the project target." "run:Run the project target." "b:Build targets if no given tasks." "build:Build targets if no given tasks." "create:Create a new project." "g:Configure the global options for xmake." "global:Configure the global options for xmake." "i:Package and install the target binary files." "install:Package and install the target binary files." "u:Uninstall the project binary files." "uninstall:Uninstall the project binary files." "c:Remove all binary and temporary files." "clean:Remove all binary and temporary files." "p:Package target." "package:Package target." "update:Update and uninstall the xmake program." "service:Start service for remote or distributed compilation and etc." ) _describe -t tasks 'tasks' tasks "$@" } ```
Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Title: Add zsh completion prompt

waruqi commented 1 year ago

原本就支持 https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/blob/master/xmake/scripts/completions/register-completions.zsh

走一键脚本安装,或者 xmake update --integrate 才会安装自动补全

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago




Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

This completion is not compatible with the zsh plugin


I achieved

waruqi commented 1 year ago


具体不兼容在哪,我看不是在 work 的么

你实现的用不了。这边补全 不管 bash,zsh 还是 fish 最后都会统一路由到 lua 层自动获取的补全列表,不可能挨个硬编码搞得,不好维护。

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

This completion is not compatible with zsh plugins

Where is the specific incompatibility? I don’t think it’s working.

You can't use it. The completion here, no matter bash, zsh or fish, will be uniformly routed to the completion list automatically obtained by the lua layer in the end. It is impossible to hard-code one by one, and it is not easy to maintain.

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago

补全插件无法使用的原因是需要调用zsh提供的补全函数 image

_xmake() {
    local -a completions
    completions="$(XMAKE_SKIP_HISTORY=1 XMAKE_ROOT=y xmake lua private.utils.complete 0 nospace "$words")"

    _describe 'tasks' completions


waruqi commented 1 year ago

哪个 $fpath 路径?反正上面的整体 lua 逻辑不能动,外面的 zsh 脚本如果有问题 可以提 pr 修复

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Which $fpath path? Anyway, the overall lua logic above cannot be moved. If there is any problem with the external zsh script, you can submit a pr to fix it.

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago

在我Arch上路径是/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/ 其他的工具也是放在这里如exa, fd, batimage 但这个地方需要root权限才能把文件移动到这里

waruqi commented 1 year ago

xmake update --integrate 会注入 ~/.xmake/profile 到 .zshrc 的启动脚本 。。。而 ~/.xmake/profile 会引入对 zsh 补全函数的定义。。不需要root 也能带进来。。

我这目前测试 zsh 补全可以正常 work

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Running xmake update --integrate will inject ~/.xmake/profile into the .zshrc startup script. . . And ~/.xmake/profile will import the definition of zsh completion function. . Can be brought in without root. .

I am currently testing that zsh completion can work normally

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago

我这里使用xmake update --integrate注入的补全会让zsh插件无法使用 不过不排除是个例的可能

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

The completion injected by xmake update --integrate here will make the zsh plugin unusable However, the possibility of being an exception cannot be ruled out.

waruqi commented 1 year ago

是补全的函数里面对 words 的读取有点问题导致只能补全到 action ,无法补全到参数名和值,我修复了,你再试试。。

xmake update -s dev
xmake update --integrate
source ~/.xmake/profile


Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago

我插件还是无法使用 这个Freed-Wu/fzf-tab-source插件应该只能识别_describe,_arguments等内置补全函数 只有改为 _xmake

#compdef xmake
    local completions="$(XMAKE_SKIP_HISTORY=1 XMAKE_ROOT=y xmake lua private.utils.complete 0 nospace "$words")"

    _describe 'tasks' completions


    local completions="$(XMAKE_SKIP_HISTORY=1 XMAKE_ROOT=y xmake lua private.xrepo.complete 0 nospace "$words")"

    _describe '' completions


修改前: image image

修改后: image image


waruqi commented 1 year ago

我插件还是无法使用 这个Freed-Wu/fzf-tab-source插件应该只能识别_describe,_arguments等内置补全函数

插件我就不管了,反正目前我能保证 zsh 原生补全一切正常,其他的三方插件支持问题,你可以自己研究下,或者自己把补全函数放过去。。也可以提 issues 给对应插件,让他们支持

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

My plugin still doesn't work This Freed-Wu/fzf-tab-source plugin should only recognize built-in completion functions such as _describe, _arguments, etc.

I don’t care about plug-ins, anyway, I can guarantee that zsh’s native completion is normal. You can study other third-party plug-in support issues by yourself, or put the completion function by yourself. .

waruqi commented 1 year ago


什么主题? xmake 主题可以翻下源码,或者看下文档。。不同的问题 单独开 issues/discussions

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

I would like to ask how to make a theme, I found no documentation on this

what subject? For the xmake theme, you can turn to the source code, or read the documentation. . Separate issues/discussions for different issues

Mythos-404 commented 1 year ago


Issues-translate-bot commented 1 year ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Ok, I will open a separate warehouse to store zsh completion files for compatibility with plugins

Freed-Wu commented 4 months ago

Which $fpath path? Anyway, the overall lua logic above cannot be moved.

I can provide some details. bash/zsh/fish's completion should be put in some specific directories to be detected automatically.

Such as:

for powershell, it should be $PATH IIRC

Take zsh as an example. It has an array named $fpath. fpath contains some element such as /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion, store the shell completion scripts attached to zsh itself: ls, cp, mv, ... And it contains /usr/share/zsh/site-functions, third-party developer can store their completion script to this directory. such as:

% ls /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
'_$'                          _cppcheck                 _gpustat                _markdown-it            _periscope                      _ruff                             _thor
 _afew                        _ctr                      _grpcurl                _mc                     _perl-rename                    _sbt                              _timedatectl
 _android                     _curl                     _gscholar               _mdcat                  _pgsql_utils                    _scala                            _tmuxinator
 _ansifilter                  _dad                      _gtk-launch             _mdformat               _phing                          _scrcpy                           _tmux-language-server
 _arch-hs                     _dart                     _has                    _mdless                 _pip                            _screencapture                    _torchrun
 _arch-hs-diff                _datasets-cli             _hello                  _meson                  _pip-compile                    _scrub                            _tox
 _arch-hs-sync                _delta                    _hg                     _middleman              _pip-sync                       _sdd                              _tqdm
 _archlinux-java              _dget                     _hledger                _mina                   _pix2tex                        _sd_hosts_or_user_at_host         _trans
 _aria2c                      _dhcpcd                   _homestead              _mix                    _pixz                           _sdkmanager                       _trash
 _artisan                     _diana                    _hostnamectl            _mkcert                 _pkcon                          _sd_machines                      _trash-empty
 _asciinema                   _direnv                   _httpie                 _mkinitcpio             _pkgbuild-language-server       _sd_outputmodes                   _trash-list
 _atach                       _docker                   _huggingface-cli        _mssh                   _pkgfile                        _sd_unit_files                    _trash-put
 _autoconf-language-server    _docpad                   _hyfetch                _mussh                  _pkgstats                       _setcap                           _trash-restore
 _autotools-language-server   _doq                      _hyperfine              _mutt-language-server   _play                           _setup.py                         _tsc
 _avdmanager                  _dotnet                   _ibus                   _mvn                    _pm2                            _sfdx                             _ts-node
 _bat                         _drush                    _include-what-you-use   _nano                   _poetry                         _shellcheck                       _typst
 _bitbake-language-server     _ecdsautil                _insights               _nanoc                  _port                           _showoff                          _udevadm
 _bitcoin-cli                 _emacs                    _interactively          _neofetch               _portage-language-server        _shtab                            _udisks2
 _bootctl                     _emacsclient              _inxi                   _networkctl             _pre-commit                     _snapper                          _udisksctl
 _bower                       _email-notmuch            _iverilog               _networkQuality         _progress                       _sphinx-apidoc                    _ufw
 _btm                         _emulator                 _jmeter                 _nftables               _protoc                         _sphinx-autogen                   _updpkgsums
 _bundle                      _envdir                   _jmeter-plugins         _ninja                  _proxychains                    _sphinx-build                     _vimdoc
 _busctl                      _expect-language-server   _jonas                  _node                   _ptpython                       _sphinx-quickstart                _virtualbox
 _bwrap                       _exportfs                 _journalctl             _notmuch                _pudb                           _srm                              _visidata
 _cap                         _eza                      _jpegai                 _nvim                   _pulseaudio                     _stack                            _vivid
 _cargo                       _fab                      _jrnl                   _nvm                    _pyenv                          _sublime-syntax-language-server   _vnstat
 _cask                        _fail2ban-client          _kak                    _onefetch               _pygmentize                     _subliminal                       _vvp
 _ccache                      _fd                       _kernel-install         _oomctl                 _pytest                         _supervisorctl                    _wandb
 _cf                          _ffind                    _keyring                _openssl                _qmk                            _svlint                           _wb
 _cgdb                        _fleetctl                 _kitchen                _openvpn3               _qpdf                           _svm                              _wemux
 _chafa                       _flutter                  _knife                  _optirun                _rails                          _systemctl                        _wezterm
 _checkupdates                _fvm                      _kscreen-doctor         _paccache               _ralio                          _systemd                          _wgetpaste
 _choc                        _fwupdmgr                 _l3build                _pacdiff                _rankmirrors                    _systemd-analyze                  _wg-quick
 _chromium                    _gas                      _language_codes         _paclist                _redis-cli                      _systemd-delta                    _xilinx-language-server
 _clang-check                 _gh                       _less                   _paclog-pkglist         _requirements-language-server   _systemd-inhibit                  _xsel
 _clang-format                _ghc                      _lftp                   _pacman                 _resolvectl                     _systemd-nspawn                   _yarn
 _clang-tidy                  _gist                     _libinput               _pacscripts             _revolver                       _systemd-path                     _youtube-dl
 _cling                       _git-flow                 _lilypond               _pacsearch              _rfkill                         _systemd-run                      _zathura
 _cmake                       _gitlab-cli               _localectl              _pacsort                _rg                             _systemd-tmpfiles                 _zathura-language-server
 _cmus                        _git-pulls                _loginctl               _pactree                _rkt                            _teamocil                         _zcash-cli
 _codespell                   _git-revise               _luarocks               _parallel               _rlwrap                         _tensorboard                      _zunit
 _coffee                      _git-wtf                  _luarocks-admin         _paru                   _rmlint                         _termux-language-server
 _conan                       _glances                  _lunchy                 _pass                   _rslsync                        _tesseract
 _concourse                   _golang                   _machinectl             _patchelf               _rspec                          _texdef
 _console                     _google                   _main.py                _patool                 _rsvm                           _texdoc
 _coredumpctl                 _gpgconf                  _make-language-server   _pdd                    _rubocop                        _textidote

We can source the completion script manually in zshrc. We can also add our script path to fpath. However, it is not standard.

Other shell is similar. Such as fish:

$ \ls /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d
ansifilter.fish    arch-hs.fish       bat.fish  curl.fish   docker.fish  fd.fish  hyperfine.fish       luarocks.fish  mdless.fish    paru.fish  pdd.fish  pkgstats.fish  pyenv.fish  ruff.fish   wandb.fish  wezterm.fish
arch-hs-diff.fish  arch-hs-sync.fish  btm.fish  delta.fish  eza.fish     gh.fish  luarocks-admin.fish  mdcat.fish     onefetch.fish  pass.fish  pip.fish  poetry.fish    rg.fish     typst.fish  wb.fish     zathura.fish

zsh completion script has the following format:


#compdef xmake

... # content

zsh will read the first line compdef xmake and filename _xmake to execute:

_xmake() {
  ... # content
compdef _xmake xmake

Currently, xmake's completion script is not standard as the other programs. It can be improved.

Mythos-404 commented 4 months ago

The main question is how to write a patch that automatically gets xmake project information, which was tried when issues was proposed but didn't work very well.