xmake-io / xmake

🔥 A cross-platform build utility based on Lua
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plugin.compile_commands.autoupdate 报错 #5337

Open TOMO-CAT opened 2 months ago

TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

Xmake 版本

dev latest


Linux 720ce3a659a2 #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


如下图所述,编译准备生成 compile commands 的时候报错: image 虽然报错信息是 no such file or directory,但实际表现是卡死,直到 jenkins 超时后退出。


修复这个插件的 bug。



Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

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Title: plugin.compile_commands.autoupdate error report

TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

虽然我已经通过配置环境变量 disable 这个插件了,但是还是希望能解决这个 bug。

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

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Although I have disabled this plug-in by configuring environment variables, I still hope to solve this bug.

waruqi commented 2 months ago

先确认下 有没有多个进程并发编译同一个项目目录。。并确认访问权限。

TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

先确认下 有没有多个进程并发编译同一个项目目录。。并确认访问权限。

这个肯定没有,这只有这台机器而且是串行的,先 clone 再 build 的,这个文件是在 build 下的,这问题过去的一个月出现的是第二次,以我们的编译量级来说属于发生概率比较低的。

看上去更像是多个 target 之间并发的,由于我们中间有很多 object target,我估计其他人用 xmake 没我们这么多 target(一个项目大概上百个 target,多的话能到 300 个),所以我们发现了这个问题?

waruqi commented 2 months ago

跟 target 并发没关系。这个 rule 的粒度是 project 级的,每次 build 只会全局执行一次,不会每个 target 都去执行,不存在并发问题。。

我这也没法复现,这个只能你这边加点 log 自己调下


或者调下 c 层实现。。


TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

after build 不会每个 target 都触发的吗? image

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

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First check whether there are multiple processes compiling the same project directory concurrently. . and confirm access rights.

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

First confirm whether there are multiple processes compiling the same project directory concurrently. . and confirm access rights.

This is definitely not the case. This is only this machine and it is serial. It is cloned first and then built. This file is under build. This is the second time this problem has appeared in the past month. In terms of our compilation level The probability of occurrence is relatively low.

It looks more like concurrency between multiple targets. Since there are many object targets among us, I guess other people using xmake don’t have as many targets as we do (a project has about hundreds of targets, and more can reach 300), so Did we find the issue?

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

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It has nothing to do with target concurrency. The granularity of this rule is at the project level. Each build will only be executed globally once, not for each target, so there is no concurrency problem. .

I can't reproduce this. You can only add some logs here and adjust it yourself.


Or adjust the c layer implementation. .


waruqi commented 2 months ago

看前面 有个 set_kind("project") 配置,仅仅在 build 所有 targets 之后,触发一次,跟 target 没任何关系



TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

那 open_lock 报错文件不存在是啥意思,48 行不是准备加文件锁吗?之前已经创建过了吗? image

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

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What does it mean when open_lock reports an error that the file does not exist? Isn’t line 48 planning to add a file lock? Have you created it before? image

waruqi commented 2 months ago

正常情况 io.openlock 会自动创建文件,除非遇到文件没权限写。。当然也有其他未知情况,这就要你这自己调 c 代码看 error 具体分析了。。我没法复现,也猜不出来

TOMO-CAT commented 2 months ago

正常情况 io.openlock 会自动创建文件,除非遇到文件没权限写。。当然也有其他未知情况,这就要你这自己调 c 代码看 error 具体分析了。。我没法复现,也猜不出来


Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Under normal circumstances, io.openlock will automatically create a file unless it encounters a file that does not have permission to write. . Of course, there are other unknown situations, which requires you to adjust the C code yourself and see the detailed analysis of the error. . I can't reproduce it, and I can't guess it either.

Issues-translate-bot commented 2 months ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Normally, io.openlock will automatically create a file unless it encounters a file that does not have permission to write. . Of course, there are other unknown situations, which requires you to adjust the C code yourself and see the detailed analysis of the error. . I can't reproduce it, and I can't guess it either.

OK, if it happens again next time, I'll check it out on the machine.