xmake-io / xrepo

🗂️ A cross-platform C/C++ package manager based on Xmake
Apache License 2.0
354 stars 18 forks source link

xrepo info error : invalid value (boolean) at index 1 in table for 'concat' #1

Closed yecate closed 3 years ago

yecate commented 3 years ago


cmd: xrepo info -vD lua

lua 已经安装了 且 安装为 static 的时候 报错 invalid value (boolean) at index 1 in table for 'concat'


~$ xrepo info -vD lua
xmake f -c -v -D checking for architecture ... x86_64 checking for gcc ... /usr/bin/gcc checking for dmd ... no checking for ldc2 ... no checking for gdc ... no configure { ndk = /usr/local/android-ndk-r21b/ ndk_stdcxx = true mode = release clean = true arch = x86_64 buildir = build ccache = true theme = default kind = static plat = linux host = linux network = public proxy_pac = pac.lua } xmake require --info -v -D lua configure { clean = true theme = default ndk = /usr/local/android-ndk-r21b/ ccache = true kind = static plat = linux network = public mode = release buildir = build arch = x86_64 proxy_pac = pac.lua host = linux ndk_stdcxx = true } checking for unzip ... /usr/bin/unzip checking for git ... /usr/bin/git checking for gzip ... /usr/bin/gzip checking for tar ... /usr/bin/tar checking for ping ... /usr/bin/ping pinging for the host(github.com) ... 293 ms pinging for the host(gitlab.com) ... 202 ms pinging for the host(gitee.com) ... 44 ms The package info of project: require(lua): -> description: A powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. -> version: 5.4.1 -> urls: -> https://www.lua.org/ftp/lua-5.4.1.tar.gz -> 4ba786c3705eb9db6567af29c91a01b81f1c0ac3124fdbf6cd94bdd9e53cca7d -> https://github.com/lua/lua.git -> 4ba786c3705eb9db6567af29c91a01b81f1c0ac3124fdbf6cd94bdd9e53cca7d -> repo: xmake-repo https://gitee.com/tboox/xmake-repo.git master -> cachedir: /home/yecate/.xmake/cache/packages/2011/l/lua/5.4.1 -> installdir: /home/yecate/.xmake/packages/l/lua/5.4.1/531f88cff3a64da0aa3fb05ee281ab7d -> searchdirs: -> searchnames: lua.git, lua-5.4.1.tar.gz finding lua from xmake .. checking for xmake::lua ... lua 5.4.1 -> fetchinfo: 5.4.1 -> sysincludedirs: /home/yecate/.xmake/packages/l/lua/5.4.1/531f88cff3a64da0aa3fb05ee281ab7d/include/lua error: @programdir/core/main.lua:284: @programdir/actions/require/info.lua:163: invalid value (boolean) at index 1 in table for 'concat' stack traceback: [C]: in function 'concat' [@programdir/actions/require/info.lua:163]: in function 'info' [@programdir/actions/require/main.lua:98]: [C]: in function 'load' [@programdir/core/base/task.lua:520]: in function 'run' [@programdir/core/main.lua:282]: in function 'cotask' [@programdir/core/base/scheduler.lua:317]: stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' @programdir/core/base/os.lua:789: in function 'raise' @programdir/core/main.lua:284: in function 'cotask' @programdir/core/base/scheduler.lua:317: in function <@programdir/core/base/scheduler.lua:315> error: ./.local/share/xmake/core/main.lua:284: ./.local/share/xmake/core/sandbox/modules/os.lua:387: execv(xmake require --info -v -D lua) failed(255) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' [./.local/share/xmake/core/base/os.lua:789]: in function 'raise' [./.local/share/xmake/core/sandbox/modules/os.lua:387]: in function 'vexecv' [./.local/share/xmake/modules/private/xrepo/action/info.lua:86]: in function '_info_packages' [./.local/share/xmake/modules/private/xrepo/action/info.lua:93]: in function 'action' [./.local/share/xmake/modules/private/xrepo/main.lua:196]: in function 'func' [./.local/share/xmake/plugins/lua/main.lua:123]: [C]: in function 'load' [./.local/share/xmake/core/base/task.lua:520]: in function 'run' [./.local/share/xmake/core/main.lua:282]: in function 'cotask' [./.local/share/xmake/core/base/scheduler.lua:317]: stack traceback: [C]: in function 'error' ./.local/share/xmake/core/base/os.lua:789: in function 'raise' ./.local/share/xmake/core/main.lua:284: in function 'cotask' ./.local/share/xmake/core/base/scheduler.lua:317: in function <./.local/share/xmake/core/base/scheduler.lua:315>




报错的lua 文件 actions/require/info.lua:163 https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/blob/dev/xmake/actions/require/info.lua#L160-L165

dump fetchinfo

{ sysincludedirs = { "/home/yecate/.xmake/packages/l/lua/5.4.1/531f88cff3a64da0aa3fb05ee281ab7d/include/lua" }, static = true, linkdirs = { "/home/yecate/.xmake/packages/l/lua/5.4.1/531f88cff3a64da0aa3fb05ee281ab7d/lib" }, links = { "lua" }, version = "5.4.1", syslinks = { "dl", "m" }, libfiles = { "/home/yecate/.xmake/packages/l/lua/5.4.1/531f88cff3a64da0aa3fb05ee281ab7d/lib/liblua.a" } }

出错原因 fetchinfo.static = true

waruqi commented 3 years ago

我修复了,你再试试 dev branch

yecate commented 3 years ago
