xmar / 360Transformations

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can't run trans #13

Closed laohumultimedia closed 7 years ago

laohumultimedia commented 7 years ago

when i run trans with command ./trans -c ../, always face this error: Error while parsing the Global.layoutFlow: No such node (Global.layoutFlow) i use the default config.ini, doesn't change the layout flow, and i also have a Equirectangular video named tOffCopy.mp4 the path. what's wrong?

xmar commented 7 years ago

Hi, the command should be "./trans -c ../config.ini" instead of "./trans -c ../". The exception you get means that the software wasn't able to find the node layoutFlow in the section Global of the ini file. It seams you gave a path to a folder instead of a path to a ini file.

laohumultimedia commented 7 years ago

Thanks xmar, solved now. And i noticed the default config file missing some items, should add it according to README