xmar / 360Transformations

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Why is the bit rate of the video with some high-quality areas and some low-quality areas higher than that of the original input video? #30

Open Cassie-yuxiao opened 3 years ago

Cassie-yuxiao commented 3 years ago

Dear all, Try to running the examples using the dockerized module: xiaoyu@xiaoyu-virtual-machine:~/Desktop/360Transformations-master/transformation$ docker run --privileged --rm -v /home/xiaoyu/Desktop/360Transformations-master/transformation/examples:/home/trans360 trans360 trans -c Config_14.2.ini

The input video I used is input.mp4 provided by the website: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64078936/119604871-605ff900-be22-11eb-9069-752b90eadd44.mp4

The following is the configuration file information for generating a video with some high-quality areas and some low-quality areas:


`[Global] ;output fps fps=24 ;Names of the Section for the layout flow: [[Equirectangular, CubeMap, FlatFixed], [Equirectangular, FlatFixed]] means: from Equirectangular to CubeMap to FlatFixed AND from Equirectangular to FlatFixed layoutFlow= [["input.mp4", "Equirectangular", "EquirectangularTiled"]] ;if displayFinalPict is set, it will display the final picture of each flow for each input picture of the original video displayFinalPict=false ;if not empty, a video will be recorded for each flow using the path + the file name given here (the file name will be unique per flow). videoOutputName=output14_.mp4 ;bitrate goal of the output video in kbps videoOutputBitRate=0 ;videoOutputName= qualityOutputName = ; qualityToComputeList = ["MS-SSIM", "SSIM", "PSNR", "S-PSNR-NN", "S-PSNR-I", "WS-PSNR"] qualityToComputeList = [] ;["S-PSNR-NN", "S-PSNR-I"] nbFrames= 25 startFrame= 0

[Equirectangular] ;type of the layout: equirectangular is the state-of-the-art equirectangular layout type=equirectangular upscale=false ;Width of the reference equirectangular video refWidth=3840 ;Width of the reference equirectangular video refHeight=2048 ;yaw, pitch, roll of the center point of the equirectangular video (in degree) rotation= {"type":"euler", "yaw":0.0, "pitch":0.0, "roll":0.0} ;if true, the resolution of the layout is compute based on the resolution of the previous layout (or on the resolution of the reference equirectangular video) relativeResolution=true ;if relativeResolution=true ratio of the output layout width compare to the reference video; otherwise width size of the output video in pixel number width=1 height=1 ;bitrate ratio of the output video relative to the videoOutputBitRate (if it is the final layout and if the video is encoded). bitrate=1

[EquirectangularTiled] type=equirectangularTiled ;Size of the reference input equirectangular video refWidth=3840 refHeight=2048 ;use relative resolution for the face resolutions relativeResolution=true ;The rotation used to get the center of the front face: type = "euler" or "quaternion" or "angleAxis". ; if type is "euler" you have to give the yaw, pitch and roll angle in degree ; if type is "quaternion" you have to give the w, x, y, z value of the quaternion that represente the rotation. A normalization is performed by the software. ; if type is "angleAxis" you have to give an "angle" in degree and a direction vector x, y, z that generates the rotation axis (this vector should not be (0, 0, 0)). rotation= {"type":"euler", "yaw":0.0, "pitch":0.0, "roll":0.0} ;rotation= {"type":"quaternion", "w":1.0, "x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":0.0} ;rotation= {"type":"angleAxis", "angle":90, "x":0, "y":0, "z":1} ;nbHTiles (resp. nbVTiles) indicate the number of horizontal (resp. vertical) tiles ;You have to compile the software with the RANGE_NB_H_TILES and RANGE_NB_V_TILES macro to be able to use this layout. ;For instance in this example the value 8 should be in the macro RANGE_NB_H_TILES and RANGE_NB_V_TILES otherwise a runtime error will be raised nbHTiles=8 nbVTiles=4 ;hTileRation_X and vTileRation_X indicate the relative horizontal and vertical ratio of the tile X. In this example each tile get 1/8 of the equirectangular picture hTileRation_0=1 hTileRation_1=1 hTileRation_2=1 hTileRation_3=1 hTileRation_4=1 hTileRation_5=1 hTileRation_6=1 hTileRation_7=1 vTileRation_0=1 vTileRation_1=1 vTileRation_2=1 vTileRation_3=1 vTileRation_4=1 vTileRation_5=1 vTileRation_6=1 vTileRation_7=1 ;if upscale is set to true, all the tiles will be upscaled to the original tile resolution upscale=true ;if useTile is set to true, each face will be encoded into an independent video with a target bitrate set by the equirectangularTileBitrate_0_0, equirectangularTileBitrate_0_1, etc. parameters ;if useTile is set to false, the whole projection will be encoded into a unique video (all faces on the same frame) and a global bitrate target set by the bitrate parameter useTile=false ;resolution of the tile (i,j)=(0,0) equirectangularTile_0_0=0.25 ; bitrate of the tile (i,j) = (0,0). Ratio of r means rvideoOutputBitRate/64 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_0=1 equirectangularTile_0_1=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_1=1 equirectangularTile_0_2=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_2=1 equirectangularTile_0_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_3=1 equirectangularTile_1_0=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_0=1 equirectangularTile_1_1=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_1=1 equirectangularTile_1_2=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_2=1 equirectangularTile_1_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_3=1 equirectangularTile_2_0=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_0=1 equirectangularTile_2_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_1=1 equirectangularTile_2_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_2=1 equirectangularTile_2_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_3=1 equirectangularTile_3_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_0=1 equirectangularTile_3_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_1=1 equirectangularTile_3_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_2=1 equirectangularTile_3_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_3=1 equirectangularTile_4_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_0=1 equirectangularTile_4_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_1=1 equirectangularTile_4_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_2=1 equirectangularTile_4_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_3=1 equirectangularTile_5_0=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_0=1 equirectangularTile_5_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_1=1 equirectangularTile_5_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_2=1 equirectangularTile_5_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_3=1 equirectangularTile_6_0=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_0=1 equirectangularTile_6_1=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_1=1 equirectangularTile_6_2=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_2=1 equirectangularTile_6_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_3=1 equirectangularTile_7_0=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_0=1 equirectangularTile_7_1=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_1=1 equirectangularTile_7_2=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_2=1 equirectangularTile_7_3=0.25 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_3=1 ;bitrate is used only if useTile=false. A ratio r means a bitrate of rvideoOutputBitRate bitrate=1`

The bit rate of the resulting video is 3945kb/s. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64078936/119604825-48887500-be22-11eb-99fc-a8caada05150.mp4 1

The following is the configuration file information for obtaining a video with full quality in all areas: Config_14.2.txt

`[Global] ;output fps fps=24 ;Names of the Section for the layout flow: [[Equirectangular, CubeMap, FlatFixed], [Equirectangular, FlatFixed]] means: from Equirectangular to CubeMap to FlatFixed AND from Equirectangular to FlatFixed layoutFlow= [["input.mp4", "Equirectangular", "EquirectangularTiled"]] ;if displayFinalPict is set, it will display the final picture of each flow for each input picture of the original video displayFinalPict=false ;if not empty, a video will be recorded for each flow using the path + the file name given here (the file name will be unique per flow). videoOutputName=output14.2_.mp4 ;bitrate goal of the output video in kbps videoOutputBitRate=0 ;videoOutputName= qualityOutputName = ; qualityToComputeList = ["MS-SSIM", "SSIM", "PSNR", "S-PSNR-NN", "S-PSNR-I", "WS-PSNR"] qualityToComputeList = [] ;["S-PSNR-NN", "S-PSNR-I"] nbFrames= 25 startFrame= 0

[Equirectangular] ;type of the layout: equirectangular is the state-of-the-art equirectangular layout type=equirectangular upscale=false ;Width of the reference equirectangular video refWidth=3840 ;Width of the reference equirectangular video refHeight=2048 ;yaw, pitch, roll of the center point of the equirectangular video (in degree) rotation= {"type":"euler", "yaw":0.0, "pitch":0.0, "roll":0.0} ;if true, the resolution of the layout is compute based on the resolution of the previous layout (or on the resolution of the reference equirectangular video) relativeResolution=true ;if relativeResolution=true ratio of the output layout width compare to the reference video; otherwise width size of the output video in pixel number width=1 height=1 ;bitrate ratio of the output video relative to the videoOutputBitRate (if it is the final layout and if the video is encoded). bitrate=1

[EquirectangularTiled] type=equirectangularTiled ;Size of the reference input equirectangular video refWidth=3840 refHeight=2048 ;use relative resolution for the face resolutions relativeResolution=true ;The rotation used to get the center of the front face: type = "euler" or "quaternion" or "angleAxis". ; if type is "euler" you have to give the yaw, pitch and roll angle in degree ; if type is "quaternion" you have to give the w, x, y, z value of the quaternion that represente the rotation. A normalization is performed by the software. ; if type is "angleAxis" you have to give an "angle" in degree and a direction vector x, y, z that generates the rotation axis (this vector should not be (0, 0, 0)). rotation= {"type":"euler", "yaw":0.0, "pitch":0.0, "roll":0.0} ;rotation= {"type":"quaternion", "w":1.0, "x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":0.0} ;rotation= {"type":"angleAxis", "angle":90, "x":0, "y":0, "z":1} ;nbHTiles (resp. nbVTiles) indicate the number of horizontal (resp. vertical) tiles ;You have to compile the software with the RANGE_NB_H_TILES and RANGE_NB_V_TILES macro to be able to use this layout. ;For instance in this example the value 8 should be in the macro RANGE_NB_H_TILES and RANGE_NB_V_TILES otherwise a runtime error will be raised nbHTiles=8 nbVTiles=4 ;hTileRation_X and vTileRation_X indicate the relative horizontal and vertical ratio of the tile X. In this example each tile get 1/8 of the equirectangular picture hTileRation_0=1 hTileRation_1=1 hTileRation_2=1 hTileRation_3=1 hTileRation_4=1 hTileRation_5=1 hTileRation_6=1 hTileRation_7=1 vTileRation_0=1 vTileRation_1=1 vTileRation_2=1 vTileRation_3=1 vTileRation_4=1 vTileRation_5=1 vTileRation_6=1 vTileRation_7=1 ;if upscale is set to true, all the tiles will be upscaled to the original tile resolution upscale=true ;if useTile is set to true, each face will be encoded into an independent video with a target bitrate set by the equirectangularTileBitrate_0_0, equirectangularTileBitrate_0_1, etc. parameters ;if useTile is set to false, the whole projection will be encoded into a unique video (all faces on the same frame) and a global bitrate target set by the bitrate parameter useTile=false ;resolution of the tile (i,j)=(0,0) equirectangularTile_0_0=1 ; bitrate of the tile (i,j) = (0,0). Ratio of r means rvideoOutputBitRate/64 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_0=1 equirectangularTile_0_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_1=1 equirectangularTile_0_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_2=1 equirectangularTile_0_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_0_3=1 equirectangularTile_1_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_0=1 equirectangularTile_1_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_1=1 equirectangularTile_1_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_2=1 equirectangularTile_1_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_1_3=1 equirectangularTile_2_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_0=1 equirectangularTile_2_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_1=1 equirectangularTile_2_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_2=1 equirectangularTile_2_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_2_3=1 equirectangularTile_3_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_0=1 equirectangularTile_3_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_1=1 equirectangularTile_3_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_2=1 equirectangularTile_3_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_3_3=1 equirectangularTile_4_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_0=1 equirectangularTile_4_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_1=1 equirectangularTile_4_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_2=1 equirectangularTile_4_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_4_3=1 equirectangularTile_5_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_0=1 equirectangularTile_5_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_1=1 equirectangularTile_5_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_2=1 equirectangularTile_5_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_5_3=1 equirectangularTile_6_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_0=1 equirectangularTile_6_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_1=1 equirectangularTile_6_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_2=1 equirectangularTile_6_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_6_3=1 equirectangularTile_7_0=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_0=1 equirectangularTile_7_1=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_1=1 equirectangularTile_7_2=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_2=1 equirectangularTile_7_3=1 equirectangularTileBitrate_7_3=1 ;bitrate is used only if useTile=false. A ratio r means a bitrate of rvideoOutputBitRate bitrate=1`

The bit rate of the resulting video is 3903kb/s. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64078936/119605246-03187780-be23-11eb-9f36-2a9e379a303e.mp4 2

It is easy to get that 3945 is greater than 3903, so why is the bit rate of the video with some high-quality areas and some low-quality areas higher than that of the original input video?

Could you help me solve my doubt?

Regards, Cassie