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Miscelaneous Dockers
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Alert Keyword section to handle values not enclosed in square brackets #7

Open vi-or-die opened 6 years ago

vi-or-die commented 6 years ago

Is there anyway we can configure the script to evaluate the whole alert keyword field as a regular expression?

I built a centralized mailbox that has mail rules to move messages to subfolders. I then built a scheduled task that runs the imap2thehive with different configuration files to point at those subfolders. I wanted to create alerts in the Hive for triaging and then things that can't be weeded out will be imported as cases.

The regular expression in the Alert Keyword field within the configuration file seems to only analyze values contained between the square brackets [ ] in a subject.

I have been struggling to build different regular expressions. simply removing the \S* from the regular expression doesn't work.

xme commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. It looks an interesting enhancement. I'll look into it. I'm also working on a way to fill extra-fields based on regexes.