xmeng525 / RealTimeDenoisingNeuralBilateralGrid

[EGSR2020] Real-time Monte Carlo Denoising with the Neural Bilateral Grid
MIT License
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How to generate temporal-accumulated data? #10

Closed lyclyc171 closed 1 year ago

lyclyc171 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I wanna implement BilateralGrid to denoise renderred result made by my own engine which works on volume rendering, but unfortunately this engine can't output temporal accmulated radiance because it doesn't have this feature. We have read the paper of [SKW∗17] and [KIM∗19] but it's too complicated to make a quick output. So we want to output radiance of each frame and accumulate them. Do you have any suggestion (links or codes) ? How do you deal with this problem?

xmeng525 commented 1 year ago

Hi, you may want to checkout the temporal accumulation of BMFR: https://github.com/maZZZu/bmfr/blob/4b821c6efcf7813c774ffc0d4891b9603f1c911f/opencl/bmfr.cl#L290 Good luck!

lyclyc171 commented 1 year ago

thanks a lot! looking forward your great work in the future!

xmeng525 commented 1 year ago
