xmengli / H-DenseUNet

TMI 2018. H-DenseUNet: Hybrid Densely Connected UNet for Liver and Tumor Segmentation from CT Volumes
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Hybrid Feature #43

Closed Charlotte0592 closed 5 years ago

Charlotte0592 commented 5 years ago

Hello, when I mixed the features between 2D and 3D, there was a problem:

Traceback most recent call last) :
File "test.py". line 121, in -module>
File "test.py". line 48, in predict
model = dense_ rnn_ net(args )
File " /home/H- DenseUNet/hybridnet.py" line 415, in dense_ rnn_ net
final = add([feature3d, fea2d])
File "Keras-2.0. 8/keras/layers/merge.py line 5l9, in add
return Add(**kwa rgs ) (inputs )
File "Keras 2.0.8/keras/ engine/topology.py". line 577, in_ call__
self . build(input_ shapes)
File "Keras 2.0.8/keras/layers/mergepy" line 84, in build
output_ shape = self._ compute_ elemwise_ op_ output_ shape(output_ shape, shape )
File "Keras-2. 0.8/keras/layers/merge.py line 55, in_ compute_ elemwise_ op_ output. shape
str(shapel) + " ' + str(shape2))
ValueError: Operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (224. 224, 4, 64) (224, 224, 3, 64)

Can you give me some help?