xmikos / SnooperStopper

Android device ecryption password manager and failed unlock attempts monitor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Warn about using spaces #17

Open utack opened 8 years ago

utack commented 8 years ago

When using a new password with spaces, it will spit out a generic error message about not being able to change the password. Maybe you could craft a specific error message and tell the user that spaces are not allowed

YourFin commented 6 years ago

This appears to be due to using a custom written escaping mechanism in SnooperStopper/app/src/main/java/cz/eutopia/snooperstopper/CryptfsCommands.java , and should probably be replaced by either:

I don't know much about java and don't have android tooling on my machine, but this should be relatively easy to implement. This looks like a pretty good shell escaping function, but I'm not sure about pulling in more dependencies.

Here's my quick attempt at a replacement escape function implementing the first option:

private static String escape(String str) {
    // Original:
    //// escape double quotes and backslashes
    //// FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand checks for this
    ////////NOTE: This line only needs to stay if FrameworkListener consumes
    //////// the \ before the " in its processing
    //String result = str.replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\"");
    //// only do this if the original string had a backslash
    //if (str.contains("\\")) {
    //  result = result.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");
    //// escape single quotes for the shell
    //result = result.replaceAll("'", "'\\\\''");

    //return result;

    // New version:
    str = "'" + str.replaceAll("'", "'\"'\"'");
    // FrameworkListener::dispatchCommand checks for this
    //////NOTE: This line only needs to stay if FrameworkListener consumes
    ////// the \ before the " in its processing, otherwise they should be safe for
    ////// execution by the shell
    String result = str.replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\"");
    return result;

@xmikos, does this make sense? I'd like to have a nice mechanism for entering my ridiculous passwords :)