xmm7360 / xmm7360-pci

PCI driver for Fibocom L850-GL modem based on Intel XMM7360 modem
403 stars 81 forks source link

How-to: Vanilla Linux Kernel 6.2 #211

Open Mixaill opened 8 months ago

Mixaill commented 8 months ago
  1. Check that you have Linux 6.2 or greater
  2. use https://github.com/xmm7360/xmm7360-pci/pull/210 or change the XMM RPC path to the /dev/wwan0xmmrpc0 inside the rpc/rpc.py
  3. rename xmm7360.ini.sample to xmm7360.ini and change the APN name
  4. execute sudo scripts/lte.sh up
  5. it works!

Tested on Linux 6.5.4 + OpenSuse Tumbleweed

pswiatki commented 7 months ago

Everything nicely connected (with iosm driver and Michaił's patch on open_xdatachannel.py), but this is the end of ./lte up:

name:HotSpot IC uuid:b318a583-3337-4987-9dee-2202e051df07 type:802-11-wireless
name:lo uuid:75734424-8b13-4775-a325-9958ccc90d26 type:loopback
setup 4e34f700-f82e-490a-97fb-9670d84d2e66
setup connection
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pswiatki/devel/HW/LTE_modem_m.2/xmm7360-pci/scripts/../rpc/open_xdatachannel.py", line 240, in <module>
    manager.ActivateConnection(connection_path, devpath, "/")
NameError: name 'devpath' is not defined

What is wrong here?

pswiatki commented 7 months ago

Oh, by the way: it seems systemd-homed service shall be started prior to attempting lte up or otherwise no DNS info gets stored in /etc/resolv.conf. Is this true, or have I something configured badly on my system?

pswiatki commented 7 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pswiatki/devel/HW/LTE_modem_m.2/xmm7360-pci/scripts/../rpc/open_xdatachannel.py", line 240, in manager.ActivateConnection(connection_path, devpath, "/") ^^^^^^^ NameError: name 'devpath' is not defined

What is wrong here?

Hmmm.... when looking at this code:

for d in devices:
    dev_proxy = system_bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager", d)
    prop_iface = dbus.Interface(dev_proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
    props = prop_iface.GetAll("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device")
    if props["Interface"] == "wwan0":
        devpath = d
        print("found Interface: %s" % props["Interface"])
        print("Managed: %s" % props["Managed"])
        if props["Managed"] == 0:
                           "Managed", dbus.Boolean(1))

I realized it may be failing because NetworkManager somehow doesn't know about the newly brought up wwan0. Can this be? If this is true (i.e. NM doesn't know about wwan0), devpath will never be set and the script will conclude ungracefully.

pswiatki commented 7 months ago

Another obseravtion: it is probably iosm that doesn't like hibernation, though:

Nov 09 16:49:49 sdr-aptv sudo[18382]: pswiatki : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/pswiatki/devel/HW/LTE_modem_m.2/xmm7360-pci/scripts ; USER=root ; COMMAND=./lte.sh up
Nov 09 16:49:49 sdr-aptv sudo[18382]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by pswiatki(uid=1000)
Nov 09 16:49:49 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: PORT open refused, phase A-CD_READY
Nov 09 16:49:50 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: msg timeout
Nov 09 16:49:50 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: msg timeout
Nov 09 16:49:51 sdr-aptv sudo[18382]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Nov 09 16:49:51 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: ch[0] timeout
Nov 09 16:49:51 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: if_id 0: OPEN_SESSION send failed
Nov 09 16:49:51 sdr-aptv kernel: iosm 0000:73:00.0: cannot connect wwan0 & id 0 to the IPC mem layer

So, not possible to bring the wwan0 interface back up after coming back from hibernation.

adi1 commented 5 months ago

I realized it may be failing because NetworkManager somehow doesn't know about the newly brought up wwan0. Can this be? If this is true (i.e. NM doesn't know about wwan0), devpath will never be set and the script will conclude ungracefully.

Were you able to get anywhere with this? Everything works for me except for the NetworkManager integration. I've also tried the ModemManager 1.20.4 included with my Debian 12.4 system, but it can't connect, although it does show the modem and the provider. I've also tried the forked version mentioned above, but that gives the same result.

So right now, I can run lte up, ignore the devpath error, have no connection information in NetworkManager, run lte down when I'm done with the internet.