xmoezzz / SiglusExtract

SiglusExtract : A tool that can extract almost all resources used by SiglusEngine and repack some of them for translation.
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ScriptRepacker - Index error(to large) #2

Closed AEBus closed 7 years ago

AEBus commented 7 years ago

When i try repack script, with contain russian text, all ok. But for some reason (russian text incorrectly shown in the game, a large distance between letters ) i use modified font with half-widht katakana and latin symbols, so text looks something like this:

ニイォA アOォEソAーCス アPEャノョッ OアヒョネョCヒョオノケッ ス? イ ネEノス ノE XソAヒョヒ Cョーケ ソOーョ ソEPノイヒコCス ソ アPEャノEE COCヒOスノョE. アO ニPAッノEッ ネEPE, アOニA ス ノE CネOェイ ニOE ソ オァネ イゥEォョヒコCス. アOニA ノE CネOェイ ノAニOノEエ ソュォOXノイヒコ C OゥーEェオEノョEネ. ォO ヒEX アOP ス ノE イCアOニOシCコ. ECーョ アOォイネAヒコ, CEッオAC ニAャEヒCス, オヒO ス ノョニOェォA ョ ノE ゥケー ヒAニョネ イャ オEPECオイP Oャョソーァノノケネ ョ PAォOCヒノケネ.

So, i replace all russian symbols to half-width katakana and latin symbols (file containt the same amount syblos and lines as a russian) ScriptRepacker send me this error:

But ssinsert work fine

xmoezzz commented 7 years ago

Repacking issue was fixed and the tool was updated. As for font distance issue, SiglusEngine only support fixed-width font.

Please update SiglusExtract.dll and try follow steps below: 1.Please create a file named "SiglusEnginePatch.ini" in your game root directory. 2.Type only one char "P" in this file. 3.Save file.

this program will automatically do some patches. this feature maybe unstable.

AEBus commented 7 years ago

Please update SiglusExtract.dll and try follow steps below: 1.Please create a file named "SiglusEnginePatch.ini" in your game root directory. 2.Type only one char "P" in this file. 3.Save file. this program will automatically do some patches.

After that i need to create universal patch through SiglusExtract, yes? And run game through SiglusEngine_Patch? But nothing happens. No difference, there is this ini file, or it is not.

And can i make request for ScriptRepacker? If it possibly, can you add a line breaks function? For example, if there is '\n' in the text, then the text should move to the next string in the game. Just in SiglusEngine there is no wordwrapping function... Again, ssinsert support '\n' line breaks.

Edit: I found patcher for enable wordwrapping function - https://github.com/marcussacana/SiglusSceneManager/tree/master/SiglusPatcher Now wordwrapping work fine.

And just for information, UniversalPatcher dont modify SiglusEngine.exe, just bypasses protection, like AlphaRomDie Game: Rewrite+

AEBus commented 7 years ago

Fix distance between symbols and set font result:

For comparison, here's how the game looks with halfwidth katakana font

xmoezzz commented 7 years ago

Now SiglusExtract(UniversalPatcher) using a more stable method to bypass font distance check.