xmon / SonataMediaProviderVideoBundle

This bundle extends providers Sonata Media Bundle, creates a new provider for uploading videos and use FFmpeg
MIT License
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Symfony 3.4 support: Fix service aliases and avoid errors on config compilation #13

Open akserikawa opened 2 years ago

akserikawa commented 2 years ago

When installing the bundle on a Symfony 3.4 project, the following errors arise:

1) Errors on config compilation (1/1) InvalidDefinitionException->cannotBeEmpty() is not applicable to NumericNodeDefinition.

2) Errors due to service aliases not wrapped on single quotes (2/2) InvalidArgumentExceptionThe file "/var/www/html/vendor/xmon/sonata-media-provider-video-bundle/Xmon/SonataMediaProviderVideoBundle/DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/providers.yml" does not contain valid YAML: The reserved indicator "@" cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar at line 15 (near "- @sonata.media.filesystem.local").

@xmon It would be great to add this changes and tag a new version so projects can use this package :)

akserikawa commented 2 years ago

Oh, noticed #9 right after submitting this PR. It'd be great to integrate that one and close this