xmon / SonataMediaProviderVideoBundle

This bundle extends providers Sonata Media Bundle, creates a new provider for uploading videos and use FFmpeg
MIT License
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Argument 1 passed to FFMpeg\FFProbe::__construct() must be FFProbeDriver instance, array given #7

Closed rpac-tump closed 7 years ago

rpac-tump commented 7 years ago

Firstly, thank you for your bundle. When i try to upload a video (.mp4) from my sonata media backend, I have this error (Sf 3.1.5) : Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to FFMpeg\FFProbe::__construct() must be an instance of FFMpeg\Driver\FFProbeDriver, array given, called in D:\wamp\www\test-sf3\TestSonata\var\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php

Could you please help me to solve this issue, thank you for your help as i'm stuck ! Here's a a capture of the stack trace : ssss1

rpac-tump commented 7 years ago

I have posted a solution here : http://stackoverflow.com/a/41647552/7403405

xmon commented 7 years ago

Thanks @RichardMalaure

I study your problem and solution, I'll try to implement to a new version for Symfony3.