xmon / SonataMediaProviderVideoBundle

This bundle extends providers Sonata Media Bundle, creates a new provider for uploading videos and use FFmpeg
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how to add thumbnailCapture field in $formMapper ? #8

Open rpac-tump opened 7 years ago

rpac-tump commented 7 years ago

in the MyEntityAdmin class i declare the video field like this : protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) { $formMapper ... ->add('video', 'sonata_media_type', array( 'provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.video', 'context' => 'video' )) .... } Everything works has expected.

But how can i add the thumbnailCapture field ?

I try this but the value of the field has no effect : ->add('thumbnailCapture', 'integer', array( 'mapped' => false, 'required' => false, 'label' => 'Thumbnail generator (set value in seconds)', )) In the edit media form (admin/sonata/media/media/IdMedia/edit), the thumbnailCapture field is automatically present/attached to the form in the Media part but a new value is not taken into account too... Thank you for your help

xmon commented 7 years ago

Hi, this functionality is not implemented.

At this time, you can only indicate in the global settings that second you want a frame to be extracted from the video and saved as an image.

At the moment the work does not allow me to dedicate time to improve the bundle, if you implement this functionality I will be happy to incorporate it into the project. :smile:

rpac-tump commented 7 years ago

thank you for your quick reply. I have to do several other stuff before going back on this problem: if i find a solution, i'll come back to you ; )