xmonader / nim-bencode

bencode encoder/decoder in nim
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Add converters #2

Open batyrmastyr opened 5 years ago

batyrmastyr commented 5 years ago

I propose to add several converters to make code more readable.

Having this

converter toBencodeType(s: string) : BencodeType {.inline} =
 return BencodeType(kind: btString, s: s)
converter toBencodeType(i: int) : BencodeType {.inline} =
 return BencodeType(kind: btInt, i: i)
converter toBencodeType(seq: seq[BencodeType]) : BencodeType {.inline} =
 return BencodeType(kind: btList, l: seq)
converter toBencodeType(t: OrderedTable[BencodeType, BencodeType]) : BencodeType {.inline} =
 return BencodeType(kind: btDict, d: t)

will allow to rewrite

var btDictSample1 = initOrderedTable[BencodeType, BencodeType]()
btDictSample1[BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"name")] = BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"dmdm")
btDictSample1[BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"lang")] = BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"nim")
btDictSample1[BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"age")] = BencodeType(kind:btInt, i:50)
btDictSample1[BencodeType(kind:btString, s:"alist")] = BencodeType(kind:btList, l:btListSample1)

var testObjects = initOrderedTable[BencodeType, string]()
testObjects[BencodeType(kind: btInt, i:12345)] = "i12345e"
testObjects[BencodeType(kind: btList, l:btListSample1)] = "li1e2:hie"
testObjects[BencodeType(kind:btDict, d:btDictSample1)] = "d4:name4:dmdm4:lang3:nim3:agei50e5:alistli1e2:hiee"

in more compact way:

var btDictSample1 = initOrderedTable[BencodeType, BencodeType]()
btDictSample1["name"] = "dmdm"
btDictSample1["lang"] = "nim"
btDictSample1["age"] = 50
btDictSample1["alist"] = btListSample1

var testObjects = initOrderedTable[BencodeType, string]()
testObjects[12345] = "i12345e"
testObjects[btListSample1] = "li1e2:hie"
testObjects[btDictSample1] = "d4:name4:dmdm4:lang3:nim3:agei50e5:alistli1e2:hiee"

Well, the last two are quite code-specific, but it's better to have int and string converters out of the box.

xmonader commented 5 years ago

Oh! I didn't know about converters at all. Thanks a lot! please feel welcome to add them yourself as I'll be learning a bit about them